Rebalancing engineers and new support

Hello everyone,

I wanted to start a discussion about the current role of the engineer in Enlisted and propose some ideas to improve gameplay and class specialization.

Right now, the engineer is undoubtedly one of the most important squad members, as they can construct structures, provide ammunition, place cover, and generally perform multiple functions that make them almost essential.

However, I believe their role is overly centralized and should be more focused on construction rather than resource supply.

Proposed Changes:

  1. Engineers should be limited to construction weapons:
  • They should not automatically have construction materials but instead depend on an external supply system.

  • This would make their role more strategic and less omnipresent on the battlefield.

  1. Supply materials should be managed by the radio operator:
  • The radio operator could call in an airdrop of materials or ammunition, creating a temporary supply point.

  • This airdrop could be visible and destructible by enemies, adding an important tactical component.

  • Engineers could only build within a limited area around this supply drop, making the logistics concept more realistic.

  1. Introduce a new support class:
  • A “Support” class dedicated to resupplying soldiers with ammunition and setting rally points.

  • This would increase the importance of squad cooperation.

  • APCs (armored personnel carriers) should have available ammunition to resupply soldiers, making them more useful in prolonged battles.

I believe these changes could make the game more balanced, add tactical depth, and improve realism without drastically altering gameplay.

What do you think? Would you like to see such a system implemented in Enlisted?


no. keeping the team up is already hard enough and mostly you do it alone, overcomplicating the mechanics will deter future engineering mains.


Yeah this wont really work …
You wil just make the engineer usseless and the support the new engineer. This will only mean we will see less rallies & will majorly fuck up every premium and event squad.

So dont think this is a good idea.


The engineer wouldn’t become useless, as they could still build shelters, but they would take a secondary role, making everything more realistic. It feels odd to see a cannon or machine gun suddenly appear out of nowhere on the map. The support class would take over the engineer’s duties but with a more specialized focus on assisting the team.

However, engineers could still construct weapons at the spawn point without requiring a radio operator. They could also continue building rally points, while the support class could focus on resupplying ammunition and assisting LMG gunners by continuously reloading their weapons until supplies run out.

Additionally, I’d like to point out that air movement in the game is currently quite limited. Anti-air weapons are rarely used, and planes are often deployed just to counter other planes. This change would make the skies more dynamic, as calling in supplies to build weapons on the battlefield would become crucial. As a result, aircraft would have more objectives in the air, and anti-air defenses could play a more significant role.

depending on external sources for material is absolutely unfun to play and ruins HLL.
one of the worst mechanics ive seen in a game in my whole life.
funnily enough the main reason i didnt switch to HLL, bc there you cant even have fun building cannons & castles unless youre stacking.

If by “improve” you mean unnecessarily complicate and diminish the abilities of a class you yourself consider as one of the most important squad members.


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What kind of cancerous suggestion is this? People who actually utilize engineers to their maximum already have it hard as is being often the 1 in 2 players with brain per match in team.

You think people have time to browse through squad to select one role for building fortifications and another role for rallies and munition, let alone wait for an air resupply to get building material? Were you drunk when thinking of this? This is not HLL or Squad 44 where you have minutes to prepare. Here you have at most a min if your team holds the enemy well enough and the battlefield changes so fast, that before that air resupply falls to the ground, enemy has already got the point and is halfway to the next CP.


You’re wrong, you should be able to manage all functions by UI like artillery strike

So just rebranding the current engineers to support (since ability to build ammo boxes and rally points is the main feature of current engineers, not some gimmicky structures) and then introduce completely useless “Bob the builder” class only casuals would be playing.

I fail to see what’s beneficial to players in such idea.

I would like each specialist who has his squad, the sapper, an integrated liver, to have choices of constructions which would be beneficial for the team or for the machine gun squad to have in the team a request for ammunition because in real life the machine gun was equipped with a guy who fetched the bullets and reloaded the weapon in addition and the assault car squad would have to have something in the repair box that the tank is stuck in a place where the tank would be automatically replaced on the condition of getting out of the vehicle or that we must integrate a sapper into a squad when we have to pass to a place where we cannot advance because of the trenches we select the sapper we go down and we build a plate to be able to cross over the trench I hope that the employees of enlisted really take the time to look at the most important subjects which could really improve the mechanics of the game thank you and have a good day we say good luck for a liver on the battlefield

Here I am saying since 2+ years that people need to play more engineer, that it’s the way to win and I see your suggestion. Oh boy.

The current engineer class is absolutely powerful and tbfh a bit arcade, true. But yet, each match I am the only buffon that builds rallies and stuff.


I would say Enlisted has too less players per battle to make this works, this is the same system of HLL and work in HLL because you have 5 times more player than Enlisted inside the battle so a couple of them can just play support role the whole battle

Well, considering at times it takes me several minutes to call in an airstrike because everyone and their dog are trying to do the same, add to that the Radioman usually dies before he can call anything in, using the radioman in the sequence will just ensure that no rally points will ever get built. :joy:

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