Realistic Battles

If only just to have a seperate que where we might expect a higher level of play from both teams. People really just want to farm points to the p o i n t where they just leave games that are going badly at the start, and probably if they could would just farm AI teams exclusively if it meant more silver per hour. The level of play currently is just really low, and once you finish the grind what you are left with is pretty much a circus of a game.

If there was a separate realistic battles que with whatever modifiers I think it would help to get people more competitive matches if thats what they want out of the game. I’m just getting really burned out of ~80% of my matches being onesided stomps one way or the other.


Try out loan fighters it’s not a bad place and it’s not such a mess

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I haven’t tried out mods, do you at least get RP/SL there? If not thats kinda oof

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It’s not a mod and you do get XP there and it’s only very condensed for specialized leveling up and you need to find active lobbies because they don’t give XP to empty lobbies.

Go to customs and find the LF server. I haven’t played a squad match in a while now due to absolutely dominating LF with my No Fly Zone special. I average 7k xp without boosts per match in it.

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I actually searched the mode in ytube, last night, and it was just like some guy camping with sniper, but i did see few engineers run around.
what’s average time for a match?
On topic, would love to see something with FF, for something like realistic battles.


21-30 minutes if the teams are balanced. 15-20 if the teams are moderately balanced. And speedrun the challenge if it is one side stacked only. New people constantly join it, though, so you are basically getting teams reshuffled if you had a stacked team last match. Engineers are required since you have people constantly spawning planes and the need for Rally points. I, however, welcome this because I will camp in the back with AAA to kill them. I get a boatload of xp from this.

Snipers are great if it’s Tunisia, Stalingrad or Berlin. Too bad the sight reticles for my sniper look like this:

A nice, clean square is missing in the center. Not to mention, this isn’t even the correct sight picture for the type No.32 scope.


Breaking news: the sight picture is also already in the game. It is on the M1C.


Personally, I think they could do very well by making more coordinated battles (perhaps with friendly fire from explosions turned ON) a mode as RANKED battles.

This way, players that intend to play in a more intelligent manner than just SPAM, are rewarded more for their efforts and also play alongside more intelligent players, making the game a lot more interesting overall!


If the normal hud and magical T that appears on your tank’s gun sight, then it might actually be played.

Yeah I was gonna say that’s the Sniper III scope

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I’d be pretty darn interested in a realistic or ranked system
Historic weapons only, so Springfield’s only in Pacific, Volksstrum only in Berlin, Garand’s and Kar98k’s everywhere else, etc
Removal of things like airplane leads and pen indicators
If Ranked then a skill based MM (a competitive Bronze, Silver, etc rank NOT Enlisted Rank) to give much more even and long lasting matches
Maybe make the matches longer than average with longer cap times and more tickets. Battles lasted for weeks on end, not less than a day
Just some fun stuff to give it less arcade for those who may prefer that. Especially with a nice population boost from the upcoming Steam release, it may be more feasible

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for me it would have made perfect sense if

  • arcade battles were played with more bots, meaning there would be more bot AI squads to farm, i mean is it why people like current mode? that they can farm bots? rack up insane kills? it would be fast, twitch, relaxing experience. Like imagine everytime you go for a bomb dive or play with a tank there would be A LOT of targets to kill.

  • realistic battles with far more restrictions, more immersion, FF, slower weapon handling and stuff. so it was more engaging, more depthful.

ngl i would play both of these game modes since sometimes i want to relax and sometimes i want to engage a litte bit more.

since arcade battles would contain far more bots it would then be possible to exist regarding playercount issues.

I’d also want more realistic battles.
Ideally with more advanced AI control so you can actually command them and make them useful in a fight.

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to make it simple if anyone wouldn’t understand:

arcade: where everything revolves around you, your aim and movement is most important.

realistic: where you are just a part of it, your formal decisions are most important.

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