Real photos and stories of this Battlepass gold order soldiers! (2024)

Hello comrades!

As always, i present to you the real photos of this Battlepass gold order soldiers!

USSR: Nikolay Andreyevich Kopytenkov


During an german air attack on Kiev, an hospital started to burn down completely. Despite the huge flames, Kopytenkov repeatedly ran through the fire and managed to evacuate more than 30 heavily wounded soldiers and officers. He survived the war with heavy burn wounds.

Japan: “Paul” Nobuo Tatsuguchi


Japanese Surgeon who studied in the United States before the war for 10 years. He loved America and its culture. He then was drafted in the japanese army and returned. Famous for documenting all his operations in his diary.

His least entry in his diary before his death:
“Today at 2 o’clock we assembled at Headquarters, the field hospital took also part. The last assault is to be carried out. All the patients in the hospital were made to commit suicide. I am only 33 years old and I am to die. Have no regrets. [Banzai]to the [Emperor]. I am grateful that I have kept the peace in my soul which Enkis [believed to mean either [Christ] or the Edict] bestowed on me at 8 o’clock. I took care of all patients with a grenade. Goodbye Iaeke [Taeko], my beloved wife, who loved me to the last. Until we meet again grant you God-speed Misaka [Misako], who just became four years old, will grow up unhindered. If I feel sorry for you Takiko [Mutsuko] born February this year and gone before without seeing your father. Well goodbye Mitsue, Brothers Hocan, Sukoshan, Masachan, Mitichan, goodbye. The number participating in this attack is a little over a thousand. Will try to take enemy artillery position. It seems the enemy will probably make an all-out attack tomorrow.”

USA: Kenneth Moore

During the D-Day operation, Ken Moore treated more than 80 soldiers, including americans, germans and a child. He was awarded Silver Star medals for his actions, and served in other battles, including the Battle of the Bulge.

Germany: Markus Scherer

Sadly i could not find any informations or pictures related to him. Feel free to comment any informations you have!


I don’t know if it’s censored, or if there’s just nothing about him because he’s a random soldier.

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knowing this, it’s a valid reason they could add for japan as fighter 3 the dude I posted time ago :3

But, but… but… all persons in Enlisted are fictional - it says so right on the loading splash screen!!

This is quite stupid. There are tons of hero medics from the axis armies and they chose to give us an finctional character.

I would have wanted to see Leo Skurnik who was an finnish medic during continuation war who saved countless of wounded germans from a burning field hospital. Due to his bravery he was awarded the iron cross but he declined and told them to wipe their ass with it. He was jewish

Leo Skurnik - Wikipedia


I would argue that as a Fin, he was not axis lol

Finland was part of the axis nations during ww2

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Excuse me?

It cooperated with the axis powers, but is not officially one. Also, it was due to the winter war, that Finland cooperated with Germany. It is a power that happened to be allied with Germany because they had a common enemy- the Soviet Union

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Well, they were still fighting alongside the Germans, so basically part of the axis

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no need for mental gymnastics, Finland fought on the side of Germany like all other Axis members so Finish soldiers in Axis faction would be perfectly logical.

Thanks for sharing such an amazing piece of information. Appreciate it. :heart:

Your right. I think finnish soldiers would still be nice because we already got finnish panzer 4