I play with all factions, but when I play as Russia at rank 3 (because rank 5 is 100% defeat), I’m always facing Germany at rank 5, and as a result, it’s one defeat after another. Germany’s weapons and tanks at rank 5 are infinitely superior to Russia’s.
It not getting this problem many time with russian br 3 I am agains br 2 and br 4 are you on NA or not?
iam in NA.
At wich hours do you play?
13 - 15 UTC hours
shit MM in early morning hours? who would have thought… translated to EST it is 8-10 and translated to PST it is 5-7.
I’d say that’s normal for BR III, regardless of which faction. In the case of Soviets, yes, it’s a gamble with the matchmaking as you can get sent anywhere from Moscow to Berlin.
Here’s my advice for Soviets:
Because I like early war maps the most, as it feels more like old Enlisted. For Soviets I like to play full BR 2 equipped squads. That way I get like 90% Moscow and the rest is maybe Stalingrad or the occasional Rzhev. In my experience, with BR 2 you won’t see anything past BR III, so no Panthers or Tigers, etc. The only uptier you get is against BR III, which doesn’t happen always and BR II CAN kick BR III’s ass. And it feels awesome.
The only time I get punked into a level 5 contest with a level 3 squad is if I am playing Allies, and that is usually against level 5 Japanese…I don’t desert often, but being outgunned and seal clubbed stokes the desire in me to just desert. I rarely, if ever get punked to level 5 if I face the Germans with Allies. I can’t recall if I have ever been uptiered from level 3 to 5 playing Russians as it has been a while since I played with my level 3 Russians.
Here would be my solution if DF is going to continue with their ridiculous “soft rule”. If you choose a level 3 squad, when the search engine finds you a match, if it is going to be a level 5 match, you should have the option to choose “DECLINE”, thus the system would boot you out of that match “without penalty” and it would continue searching for another match. That would save a lot of frustration and maybe some desertion from people who “DO NOT” like to be uptier’d two levels. I don’t play my level 3 Allies much anymore because I don’t like to desert, but I also don’t like to be blasted against level 5 Japanese, so I would “ALWAYS” choose to “DECLINE” and I’d happily wait for the next match.
And so do Soviet BR2/3 weapons at BR1-4 and yet i don’t see you complaining while getting 200 kills with your overpowered smgs and tanks.
Who is getting that? I haven’t seen a 200 kill player at BR2 in months - I play mostly USSR, and consider 100 kill a great game - not everyone is Ramboski!
In the 2 1/2 plus years I have been playing, I score a lot of 90 plus kills but have only had more then 100 kills I think 5 times. Of course, I’m 60 and half blind in one eye so I feel good about 90. …Ramboski!
I liked that.
I’m 65 and just started wearing glasses this year - but New Zealand has minimum of 200 ping to everywhere, so I blame that!
my last 200 kill battle with BR2 soviets was month ago i can easily get 100+ games and even 150+ arent that rare. that is with me sucking with mechanical aim and lots of times not seeing enemy. some teenagers could probably easily outplay me if they had some skill.
you kill enemy without seeing them huh??
some teenagers could probably easily outplay me if they had some skill.
So you are Ramboski… and even then it’s a month since you got a 200 kill game that apparently all Soviet players always get…
but New Zealand
I’m American but live in the Philippines, so you and I are blind on the same side of the planet.
you kill enemy without seeing them huh??
well my vision and reflexes arent what they used to be. i often disregard enemy on mid and long range cause i didnt see them.
So you are Ramboski… and even then it’s a month since you got a 200 kill game that apparently all Soviet players always get…
if i played this 15-25 years ago i wouldnt have problem getting 50% more kills at least. also reason for not getting 200+ games is mostly cause of roflstomps where game is over in 10-15 minutes
Never have I ever witnessed throughout my Soviet grind someone getting 200 kills, especially with “overpowered smgs and tanks”
I have went through the entire BR 1-5 and don’t think I ever saw it
The entire soviet team is either 70% bots and the other 30% who are players, worse than bots, or on some extraordinarily rare occasion we actually get a win and some god tier players
Of course, I’m 60 and half blind in one eye so I feel good about 90
Seriously, you’re very good. At your age, I won’t be able to do that anymore.
At your age
I’m 60, but I have a 34 year old Filipina women who keeps me in shape. My eye problems are slowly being corrected with some laser surgery, but I will need probably at least one more. I don’t have the reflexes I think I had, but I have been playing video games since the days of Pong back in the late 1970’s, so I do know my way around war games, especially war games.
I consider myself above average. I have some really good games, and some I would be embarrassed if anyone watched the video.