Random crashes, senseless error messages, and frustration

If you have these symptoms you probably have a dirty mind, err…I meant to say loose MEMORY.
Heat expansion can physically push your little RAM stick right out of its socket…

It can be embarrassing for some folks.!

Enlisted or any other intense FPS’s games will make your little sticks get smoking hot, cold,hot, cold…you get the picture.

To fix this, find a little pink eraser and holding it oh so gently grabbing the edges and rub your eraser over the little gold contacts. Once you have finished, blow your little sticks off with some compressed air.

The will only go in one way, so ignore any slots that are close to your RAM sticks or you will end up in a stinky situation…I’m not saying thats bad, it’s just not my cuppa tea. It also helps to move I from side to side side
Gently, but firmly push them back in. put

They should slide right back in and you will feel a satisfying little click and you know you did it right and you will have a smooth fulfilling out of box experience.

You and your computer will feel much better and very satisfied when you are both finished. Just remember to take it slow and easy!