Why are people constantly building rally point with sandbags around the point. It just slows everyone down, it doesn’t hide the point it makes it more obvious.
You have to Juno over the sand bags or get around them instead of speaking and getting straight to work l.
Please, people, YOU ARE NOT helping by putting bags around the point, it’s just slows us down.
Even moreso with bloody barbed wire! Stop it pleeeeeease!
If you have to build sand bags to hide the RP then the RP is in a and place. Trying to hide it with other engineer builds isn’t hiding anything.
Sandbags placed around rally points, serve as protection against splash damage from infantry explosives, tanks rounds, aircraft bombs, and artillery.
Yes, there are times when sandbags are not a good thing…
But in other instances, they are constructed soley for the purpose of creating a buffer/barrier between the rally point and the nearest explosions.
Sometimes people build the sandbags in a way that causes the A.I. to get stuck…
And if this is the case, all you gotta do is dismantle the specific sandbag that’s choking everybody up.
It’s a simple solution.
Aye. I agree. If the goal is to hide the rally… digging holes is a great method.
The downside is that the elevation/rally placement is really buggy. Sometimes a player can dig a perfect hole, but for some reason the rallypoint is unable to be placed.
And when this happens, a player can waste a lot of time trying to further dig/expand the hole, and then attempting to build again.
Sometimes a rally point can’t be placed, even with a HUGE hole.
Which sucks, because a player can waste 1-2 minutes trying to get a rally point down… only to abandon the hole due to buggy mechanics/placement of buildables.
I sandbag the rally point to prevent it from being destroyed by sniper fire from a distance or by bomb fragments.
But as for preventing bomb shrapnel, I don’t know if it really helps. I do not know if shrapnel damage exists in the first place, or if they can withstand the blast if the shrapnel is far enough away to reach them.
Do you guys think it does any good?
True but I see good rally placement as an art form of sorts. I am willing to suffer for my art. I´ve yet to meet a hole I was completely unable to put a rally in.
Atleast it´s not as frustrating as using an AT gun wich has a panic attack and won´t stop shaking uncontrollably.
I usually attempt to make a balance between protecting the point and make it hidden.
Enemies will still hear the rally point so fully hiding it extends its life just a pair fo minutes.
I mostly place them whenever the Rally point has a direct line of sight with a non hidden place. or nearby wall. so nobody can hit it from long range and just stay safe.
I don’t consider myself a good player overall, but I do think I am pretty competent at placing rally points.
I cover them with sandbags most of the time.
Depending on the terrain, it’s not always possible to find a good hidden spot (or reach it alive). In that case I at least want my rally point to be protected against rifle fire.
In other cases, I can reach a hidden spot, but it’s in an area, that is likely to get bombed/shelled from time to time. Sandbags do a decent job against against explosions.
Even indoors I sometimes place sandbags, because enemy tankers might lob HE shells through windows and doors. I’ve taken out many enemy rally points by accident, just because I was shooting at infantry in windows.
The best spots for rally points are of course at flanks + behind bushes or hills or walls or even indoors. Hidden, protected and rarely hit by stray bombs. And of course it allows flankiing attacks, that can easily turn the tide of a battle. But such spots aren’t always available and can be difficult to reach.
About rally points in dug holes - yeah, I’ve tried it. I find it very difficult to get an even surface, that will allow me to build on it. I have seen other players succeed, but very rarely. I consider it not worth the time and aggravation to try it. Building sandbags is much quicker and easier.
Barbed wire, though… People, who do that must be griefers. I can see no other reason for it.
If I can use natural cover, I use it. if it aint possible, I use sandbags but in a distance so that bots can walk away.
Personally I build some rallies with sandbags for just one reason, so that no stray bullet destroys the rally point.