Hi, I’ve seen some players pop up a radio command for requesting targets.
I’m on Xbox and haven’t found the control setting for that. Would be great to have while flying. Sometimes there are players that highlight targets but right after I drop my bombs or something. Would be great to have this minor coordination available to me. Anyone know how to do that?
I know this guy has a console and uses commands, maybe if he pop in he will be able to help you.
I binded the team-command option to my controller, as Hold-Left on the D-Pad.
As I’m holding left on the D-Pad, a command wheel appears, and then I hit the Y-button, which opens up the team commands, such as “requesting enemy coordinates”.
Thx! Will look for that.
I’ve looked through the controls several times but can’t find the “team-command” button.
Any idea under which tab it might be?
That was my bad.
Follow these steps:
1:Go to options/controls
2: Go to the Squad tab
3: The first option is called “Show Pie-Menu”
4: I have this option mapped as Hold-Up on the D-Pad
5: Soldier selection menu is mapped as Hold-Right on the D-Pad
6: Engineer Construction Menu is mapped as Hold-Left on the D-Pad
7: Soldier Quick-Swap/switch is mapped as *Right Bumper"
Once you get the Show Pie-Menu mapped to Up on the D-Pad, this will open the menu for you to select the team-command option, or artillery when it’s available.
Awesome! That works. It was already bound like that but getting blocked by other controls I needed to clear. Really wish Enlisted allowed for my chatpad to be used for controls like War Thunder.
Thanks heaps, though!
Ah wait this doesn’t ask the other players for target highlighting. Or am i doing something wrong?
I’m flying btw and all 4 options are greyed put with a red x.
When you have the Pie-Menu opened, you gotta hit the Y-Button to open the next sub-menu called “Quick Chat”.
Ok, that works. Thanks for bearing with my dumb ass. Nice footage of the Ju188 btw.
You’re welcome. Happy to help
Peace be wirh you…and may your bombs ever find their target.