Question - is the volkssturm tunic appliable to other squads? ( Berlin - rifleman squad 1 cosmetic)

now, i know i could buy it an check it for my self, but i had a few " issues " as i’m planning on a big purchase of drips. ( and i can’t technically buy 20 of these tunics. )

but… with the volkssturm tunic i’m not sure if it will disappear after the merge ( because theorically, volksstums will disappear ) and / or if i will be able to buy them again.

so. my question is,
has anyone bought this and can confirm that it can be applied to other squads as well?

which, dunno if wait, or no.

the unknown has it’s misteries.

anyway, cheers.

Technically no you keep the squad and this squad, should use this uniform in berlin because is it the squad default uniform

If dev decided something else we dont know is another matter…

Last time i checked the berlin costumization i dont see here for other squad if you gib me 5m i check it

yeah… that was the point though,

i’d like to buy more than for one squad.

because… :point_right: :point_left:


after the merge, i will only have this squad for the volkss. as the concept of squads will disappear ( ish ) when the merge will drop. in the sense, we get to keep our squads, but i don’t know the " default " squad what will be.

so, i’m thinking to buy volkss uniform to eventually fit it for other squads.

but i have no clue if the cosmetics will remain… if i will be able to apply those to other squads, or even if able to buy them in the future.

because i also have other factions to currently buy cosmetics. both winter uniforms and summer ones.

yeah… no squad beside the rifleman get access to it.

but… idk. i was hoping for a mod to precisely hint or tell if it’s going to be a thing or nah.

I can confirm it is locked to only rifleman 1 squad no other squad can use it


oh well, thanks…

I can ask the devs what will happen to Volkssturmuniforms if you want.

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i would love to know it.

because as said, i’m not sure whether buy the uniform now, ( hoping that i will be able to put those on other uniforms )

or… needless as ( if ) volkssturms will not end up being a thing anymore due to the squad merged to be somewhat generic

( forgive me if i’m mistaken. but by the info that i could gather, it feels just that )

or even to know if in the new merge the customization will have more buyable uniform related to the volkssturm.

just… something that can be said without reveling something that shouldn’t be revealed yet… if it makes sense.


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  1. Are Volkssturmuniforms uniforms a buyable option after the merge?
  2. Will Volkssturmuniforms soldiers be available in general after the merge?

Am I correct?

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yes :heart:

( sorry for late answer, i was in a match :confused: )

No probs! I passed the questions.

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Wait you cant see uniform in general if a squad cant equip it? (Or im wrong) and if im right after the merge if volks uniform are not more used on any squad they become hidden

I don’t know about that specific uniform. I just passed the questions of Erika.
I really don’t know and try to bring some light in this interesting topic.

  1. Yes buyable as cosmetic
  2. Yes they will still be there
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This is kinda funny because the Volksturm unis were often whatever they had in a warehouse, or even what the soldier wore from home. The armband was the only real uniform.

Would be kinda cool to allow some really wild and variable unis for Volksturm toons, with the armband being the only real indication that they are Volksturm.

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you are wrong.

the volkssturm do have uniforms. and even ranks:

you can notice those the collar tabs:

Classically, the best clothing are for premium stuff. Same goes for volkssturm guys.

It wouldn’t be a problem if you could reuse it on other squads once you bought the certain premium squad.
But currently it’s just annoying and not very user friendly.

well, i do like them, but i’d wish for more.

i was exploring the possibilities of new clothings with an armband through the editor, and so far i found out that i can change colors of stuff.

which it’s promising. but… it’s gonna be who put the leg for all the work to implement it in the game :confused:

but yeah, would be great if we could use prem uniforms on non prem units.
( even though it would still present the issue of the pouches… the system needs to be revamped )

anyway, we’ll see…

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And yet from the wiki source that You posted, I see this:
" The Volkssturm “uniform” was only a black armband with the German words Deutscher Volkssturm Wehrmacht (“German People’s Storm Armed Forces”)."

They should be having civilian clothes.
Not uniforms, aside from armbands.

well, they did had uniforms.

it’s wrong to say that they did not. when they have.

the basic volk one in enlisted, is actually historical accurate for once.

both the insignas / collar tabs and the armband.

what i should have specified, is to have more uniforms in general. both with insgnas, and civis uniform.

The German government tried to issue as many of its members as possible with military uniforms of all sorts, ranging from Feldgrau to camouflage types. A telling example of the Volkssturm’s piecemeal outfitting occurred in the Rhineland, where one unit was provided with “pre-war black SS uniforms, brown Organization Todt coats, blue Air Force auxiliary caps, and French steel helmets.”[28] Most members of the Volkssturm, especially elderly members, had no uniform and were not supplied, so they generally wore either work uniforms (including railway workers, policemen and firemen), Hitler Youth uniforms, old uniforms or their parts from the time of the First World War or their civilian clothing and usually carried with them their own personal rucksacks, blankets, cooking-equipment, etc.[29]

Considering the variety and… what a uniform is supposed to do - that is, to make sure that all units are uniform - I don’t think they really had a uniform per say, more like a requirement to look somewhat decently.

But yes, it would indeed be nice to have more clothing options in game.