QOLF - Save Group of Rendinst into one singular rendinst ( for easier and quick reuse of large numbers of assets across maps )


today i would like to suggest a Quality Of Life Feature that i think majority of us modders would appreciate.

such as, the ability or a system that is able to select multiple rendinsts ( and perhaps a combination of effects as well ) and save them into a single game_rendinst_decor with a couple of clicks. and allows a group of selected entities to be reused accross many map in the user’s editor.

so, you might ask;

How does it work?

simple. you essentially select the rendinsts and the effects that you need and want to make it into one group, so that you can save and reuse across many maps even without the group of objects that you need, but dont have access to.

hence, a user will be able to click the option ( that i hope developers will implement ) in the right corner, give it a name, and select ok.

which will save all the objects into one reindinst. and then, if you want to access it every time and place it in other maps will be fairly easier and faster. just by placing a game rendinst decor, select the category of " saved group rendinsts " and the game will place it. which will allows users to access rather than having to build everything from the get go.

and eventually share entire buildings through the forum within users.


this process will saves us alot of time. and alot of clicks.

because currently, in order for example to save a dead tank chassy which aren’t present in the normal rendinst selection, ( such as IS2, tiger, sherman dead chassies, buildings, effects etc. ) you will need to interrupt your work, open / crate a new map of where for example the IS 2 dead chassy is, hover the area to find one, select it with the rendinst tool ( which means open the menu and perform more clicks ) unbake/instance it/duplicate it, save it, go find the file in your computer, copy the rendinst and effects in questions in the blk file ( which sometimes can be even tidious to find stuff that you previously build earlier in development of your own map ) copy the code, and paste it into the map you need and want those buildings or dead chassies.

around 20/30 clicks for sure.

or for example, as i’m someone who makes alot of custom buildings, i’d like to use them more frequently and access them more easlily without having to perform so many time consuming actions:

which yes, i could technically copy the building or the unavailable rendinst, duplicate it, save, go in my folder, search for the file, open the blk, select the lines that i need. Ctrl + C, close it, find the other blk that i need the structure on, open it, Ctrl+ v, Ctr+s/save it, close it. reopen the editor, and only then, finally, get to move / use that said building. but that’s not the point. too much time consuming.

hence, that’s why this suggestion aims to make things easier and faster. so you only have to do the hussle of finding stuff that you need and want, once or twice per map instead of having to do it every time.

so, here is a

Sample in screenshots step by step of how it should work:

here, i’m gonna show you how ideally would work with actual practice:

1) select the rendinsts and effects that you want to save:

2) Unbake / Instance your selection:

3) click the button at the bottom right to save it

if you are satisfied with your selection:

4) Insert the name for this group:

and that’s pretty much it.
once you are done and want to access to your saved selections:

Place a Game_rendinst_Decor:

Select it

Open the RI_Extra__Name:

Select the Group by the name of " Saved Groups ":

Place The Saved Group Selection that you want / need and click accept.

And Voilà:

the sandbags will disappear and transform into the selection that you saved.

in conclusion

that is all from me folks. if you feller modders ( that uses the editor ) thinks i have missed something, something else is not clear, or want to help me to make it better, let me know. and i’ll might update it with your help.



I totally agree

Great demonstration of the feature👍


And enable them to be uploaded to the mod sandbox! Then everyone can save time


Yeah i already suggested this, these are called prefabs.
Actually prefabs are more: If you change an attribute of a prefab (Let’s say brightness of lights in a building) then the setting will apply to every single light that is part of the prefab.

More: Unity - Manual: Prefabs

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I’ll consider adding prefabs functionality in future. But for any entities, not just RI. So after saving prefab you will be able to open “Prefabs” dialog from new Toolbox “Prefabs” button and from there instance/rename/delete them. As for automatically editing components of all instances of prefabs – this is harder to implement, because we’ll need to know somehow about entity being part of a prefab. Could be done by adding “+prefab” template with a prefab name and some unique ID inside this prefab, but this will not work if you open other mod maker’s scene, because of missing/different prefabs. Maybe when preparing scene for export all +prefab should be removed along with its components (prefab__id, prefab__partId).


More thoughts: Instead of prefab__id it may be better to generate and use prefab__guid which will be almost 100% unique. So there will be no need to remove +prefab templates and anyone will be able to edit all prefabbed entities in editor. But still add “Enbake prefabs” button with confirmation (Yes/No) to reduce scene file size. And “Enbake prefabs” checkbox in vromfs exporting.


sounds like an idea :+1:

everthing that is:

is always more awelcome from me
