Putting Engineer squad at CAMP LV9 also means

Yeah, much more difficult to level up the squad tech tree!

I have trying to figure out how the XP requirement rise by higher CAMP LV squads and higher squad levels. Though I failed… But still, the higher CAMP LV that squad unlock at, and at higher squad levels, the more XP you needed to level up one squad levels.
Putting engineer squad at CAMP LV9, means even if players unlocked that squad, he still has a long way to get a basic function* of that role/squad.
*basic functions include, engineer unlocked AA/AT gun at blue tech tree. Unlocked backpack capabilities at red tech tree.

Do you know the pain of leveling up a high CAMP LV squad? Like this, radio II squad at CAMP LV 27:
The starter squad level, needs 13940 to LV2. Let alone to meet the basic squad function (pic from my wiki):

There’s still double digit LV to grind.
Let alone the AVS upgrade ability at yellow tech tree.

If the engineer I is at LV9, what about engineer II? III? Put them much later than other campaigns? Engineer squad is almost the “must have” and second priority(behind same tier of infantry squad) of the whole 12 role/squads. Is that squad tech tree merciful for human being to level ups? Like 20k~40k per LV? Complete a single squad tech tree upgrade can cost thousands of gold?

BTW, in the newsletters:

Engineers’ Bundle now includes a shovel instead of a knife (currently in the “Battle of Tunisia” campaign, only rank 3 engineers in their respective squad).

The engineer role now do carry shovel as default. But it’s not tier3 squad, nor engineers are unlocked at CAMP LV3. Did keofox means LV3 engineer squad? But now it is put at LV9.


This is terrible news for newbs like me whose aim sucks donkey balls but can still contribute by placing down a forward spawn or ammo box.

yeah, engineer squad at lvl 9 is pretty stupid. Hope they change that before open beta. Especially since distance between some CP and spawn is quite far in Tunisia

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I dont think they will change campaign tree, as some players has already could buy it with gold.

This is meant as a joke: 90% of the players you meet in the game will tel you they do not have, do not need, and do not use engineers or build rally points because they play for fun.

So even though your observations are sound, it does not matter because the majority of players do not have engineers in their lineup.

Yeah they really need to tone down the squad leveling xp required in general. Sniper III squads can take up to 20k xp to upgrade 1 level it’s ridiculous.

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Whats crazy is that even if you are THAT lazy, if you have at least 2 engineers, you can place the ghost of what you want to build and then ORDER your AI to do it, yet people still cant even do that.