Put a halt onto the addition of New weapons and vehicles

The average player already has a slog through the current set of weapons added nevermind them all and considering most players probably aren’t using premium time/squads the grind must be incredible for them. I believe there should be a focus on new maps. Like there are no urban maps for Japan whatsoever. We could have the battle of Manila, Hong Kong, Singapore or if they add China in the future that would open a bunch more. While there is no real urban map for the Allies. Sure you have the town in ardennes but its more like a village tbh same goes for the village in Normandy. We need a proper urban map the likes of Stalingrad and Berlin for the Western Allies. Hell even a proper large town that you cant walk from one edge to the other in like 5 minutes would be great.


I feel so the same. In the case of Western Allies vs Axis I feel like certain Normandy maps from very early on now feel very small, like Saint Lo for example. The map layout has potential for something bigger, maybe twice the size at least. Or Ruins of Vaux, the city center feels so minuscule, and I understand there’s other play areas like the swamp, the bunker, etc. but fighting in the village is always the highlight for me. And it also feels way too small. When the campaign system was a thing I think many of us hoped for something like Carentan for Normandy, but sadly it never came. Omer still remains my favourite map to play.

Other Western Europe historical battles with great potential for amazing urban combat could be Arnhem, Achen, and Cologne. I’d love to see Enlisted’s version of Arnhem because of Medal of Honor Frontline, I have in mind a particular aesthetic for that map. And I have full confidence the map developers can come up with some great results for us.

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Rejecting new weapons? Why? Not making new weapons ≠ making new maps.
they made by different teams.
This bothers the average player? I don’t see it, I just see tons of players piling up a rotting sea of camp R&D points. Even oligarch players have stacked over 10000K R&D points in a single camp.
What the average player is really missing in this new version is experience and silver for soldiers and the ability to see the dawn dawn.
As for the new map? I think the community’s attitude towards Rzhev (Left Bank) speaks for itself.


I’m always in favor of shiny new weapons, but I think they should upgrade to some new maps as well. Maybe they are behind the scenes, who knows.

You have to give veteran players something to do
Otherwise they will just leave or torture the newbies in more ways

It is unfortunate that they only used a fraction of rzhev map. It has so much potential


Frankly I have no interest in playing Ruskies(just Axis imperialists pretending not to be) I don’t care for the Axis in general op boring to play I do want bigger maps though like maybe a large scale conquest game mode too or H&G style wars they flopped hard we can steal their homework now.

I was wondering about that

Why would they make such a map and then only use a small part of it

New weapons are an exciting part of new updates, they should continue adding stuff for nations that don’t have as much as others (Japan).

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