i cant seem to get into BR 3 squad it only shows up in BR 4 squad HOW cant i put into my BR3 squad its BR 3 tank!
weapons of you crew, another squads?
you can send a screenshot
Pictures help with this kind of thing, but all vehicles have specific squads they go in. It isn’t a one vehicle fits all. They have 1 squad. If the squad itself is BR IV but the vehicle is BR III then your tankers have BR IV equipment that you need to remove
thx for the reply, i just checked and the crew have BR2 sub machine guns and BR1, there is no BR 4 on the soldiers…
Looks like the squad is BR III to me
show us your main menu
maybe any infantry or any squad have High BR weapons/vehicle
yes it is 3, but it wont load or show up in my BR3 preset squad, only BR 4
Don’t use the preset button. It uses the lowest denominators. Do it manually
The gold order is tied to a limited amount of squads and isnt treated like the normal pz4 J that can be used in a lot more squads. When buying the gold order squad it should tell you which squad actually can use this squad as that wont include all squads with pz4 j access.
this game, can they make it more complicated, ffs , how to figure it out then
your correct i moved them manually and re saved presets , BUT now i save it to a BR3 preset, and i put the panther is a BR4 and save the preset BUT IT WONT SAVE PANTHER TO 4, WHEN I LOAD 4 IT SHOWS BR3 PANZER4 J …
Yeah I never use presets unless I’m stripping a squad
I use presets all the time! Because:
I’ve got so many legacy squads.
I got my BR II, III, and V stuff set up already. I’m good to go. Lol
But, do you have those, for all 4 factions?
Not yet, but the others I can build as I go along
heres another one, using the vg-1-5 gun german, go to research the damn thing it gets no upgrade points at all da f!!.. use it in battle and still 0 upgrade points, @$!#%