Provide better machine guns for the Soviet Union!

Im talking about USSR not Japan.

Do you mean that only Soviet weapons replicate other people’s data? From whose data was the 15 round magazine of AVT40 copied? I actually hope that avt40 can replicate the 20 round magazine of fg422!

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AVT was a real just failed gun, not DF´s fault that it had a 10 or 15 round magazine IRL, the 15 round mag is their courtesy.
Its just SVT-40 modified stats.

You probably don’t want Fg42 stats though, avt has half of fg’s recoil.

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The AVT40 has many types of magazines, including 10 round magazines, 15 round magazines, 20 round magazines, 25 round magazines, and even Russian designers have made the AVT40 compatible with 63 round DT magazines. On the contrary, the FG422 only has 10 and 20 rounds of magazines, and as a machine gun, the most commonly used magazine for the FG422 is actually a small 10 round magazine.

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most common mag was still the 10 round standard SVT magazine and because of that Red Orchestra 2 had AVT-40 with 10 round magazine, so again it was the courtesy of DF that AVT has a bigger magazine.

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Wrong gun Jesus says it is a battle rifle not a MG
4 PILLARS OF Battle rifle
1- military pattern(somthing that will see service in army not in the civilian hands) FG-42checks out
2-uses rifle cartriga, again checks out
3-Soulder fired common MG shouldnt be able to shoulder fired FG check out its not as heavy as you might think
4-its self-loading FG again checks ou

Oh so thats why 10 round mags are so rare right ? makes no sense dont make sh*t up

and if you want AVT With larger mag pls be sure to let us know what Germans gonna get to balance it out

P.S : you get your AVT(BTW didn’t soviet military banned automatic fire on these guns because of constant JAMS) with 25 round and I get my FG-42 chambered for 8mm kurz with 30 round Mag
Its just that simple you want somthing if it doesent disturb balance sure its fine but if it disturb balance make sure to suggest something that would balance it out no hard feelings mate I don’t want to fight just think about what you want and if its OK to add


Looks like we saw the same video.
What is a Battle Rifle? - YouTube

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was watching it other day yeah

Madsen op though

its not the best BR2 MG but it gets the job done.
Soviet mains just want OP weapons, they dont care about balance or historical accuracy.


As a Soviet main, this is very true.

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Mains want the best of everything at every BR.

Doing their best to kill asymmetry


its spelled Chauchat, its a french word

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Thank you for your reminder. I don’t know much about French

If BR3 could have its own queue.
I’m sure there would be no one trying to downgrade everything to BR2 or wanting to augment BR2’s firepower.
BR3 has the iconic Soviet LMG, DP28, which is quite fun, but is now a weapon to skip as it will be facing German BR5.

Some days it’s “Axis suffers!”

Next day is “Allies suffers!”

Today is sovs suffers!.

Rince repeat.

It’s because of mains sovs now have the most “eye rolling” guns at high br, with strange boosted stats… but it’s high br so I suppose it’s fine.

Op certainly forgot how bad it was when fake br system just got implemented, with sov br2 being leagues ahead of it’s opponent. There’s a reason devs had to lover mp38 & 40 br…



I agree with your point about BR3. Many people are unwilling to play BR3 because they will encounter German troops from BR5. Soviet BR3 is too strong, but Soviet BR2 is single, which makes many players who play Soviet BR2 feel very frustrated. Soviet BR2 is too monotonous.


Soviet br3 is NOT too strong, it is perfect. Sovs br2 ALSO. (In fact it might even be the strongest br 2 of all factions.)

Do you play other factions?

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There are over 200 weapons in the game, but the Soviet BR2 only works well with PPS42 and PPS43. This is an awkward thing. Although PPS is very strong, the Soviet BR2 should not let everyone play PPS

Actually, I am a player who mainly plays German army in the game.I have a complete set of Soviet and German BR5 weapons