Proper healing mechanics, current ones are too dull and boring

I think we need to come up with some overly complex healing system to reflect new ground vehicle repair system, wherein you have to heal specific body parts one by one.
Because that one-click(/press) healing is too boring for a game like enlisted.
And then come up with certain conditions, in which you will be able to heal several body part at once.

If certain body parts are damaged, theres should be penalties.
For example:

  • damaged leg = not capable of sprinting
  • damaged two legs = not capable of running
  • damaged hand = dispersion and recoil increased by 100%
  • damaged two hands = unable to use any weapon until healed.

Please, Leave your ideas on how to make the healing system more complex and less boring.

Thank you, fellow soldiers.


It sounds cool but how would it work for console players

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Don’t like this setting very much

Disablement is very unfriendly to players suppressed at close range
This would put experts working hard to annihilate the enemy at risk.

At the same time, it will be more difficult for players to continue fighting when injured.
This will only make them more likely to commit suicide or fight conservatively
Doesn’t help in the fight

Sudden disability caused by explosive fragments or stray bullets
Under normal circumstances, you only have one medical opportunity
What follows is permanent disability
The enemy doesn’t even need to kill you
Just shoot you a few times and ignore it.
And you can only watch helplessly as they take over the stronghold

Seems reasonable, it will be applied for you exclusively , and to simulate possible soldier handicaps, your soldiers will have a randomized debuff at the start of the battle such as being blind and being deaf!


I am not familiar with the layout of the Xbox controller, so I’ll use the PS controller as an example.

Hold the heal button and then click the L/R buttons

  • L1 = left hand
  • L2 = left leg
  • R1 = right hand
  • R2 = right leg

Is this like a parody to that forlorn comment?

im pretty sure it is

Please spare me of toxic troll replies. This is a very serious suggestion.


Oh yeah I didn’t think of it like that

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is this for real? can’t believe you’re suggesting something like that.

i believe it was because of that forlorn guy that why adam made this post as a parody but that just my theory


Oh yea, still I give my serious opinion, if the game would incentivize the cooperation between player why not

Man just translate that 1 to1 to vehicles and you get my frustration when the rework happened.
I couldnt have worded it better why the repair rework was terrible XD.

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Dont forget cutting the healing progress up into 10 diffrent smaller wounds that need to be healed seperately (but that would not be a problem as you might get each heal speed up by 30%).


seem like sword and axe are gonna be super effective now (cause you cant heal severed limb)


In order to better demonstrate these effects, the damage of non-fatal injuries other than the torso should be reduced, and a bleeding effect should be applied to cause slow down death, instead of being killed immediately after hit by 3 9mm on the hand.

More soldiers should be lying half-dead on the battlefield, waiting for help from medics.
And I want more screams of pain. :smiling_imp:


Yes definitely (this was suppose to be a reference to a unit from cnc general from one of china unit)


Just imagine how many wounds a flamethrower could cause to a single soldier XD


As much as I want to say no… I can’t help but wonder if copying Tarkov’s healing system would actually make the game better.