This is a overall problem and i am not the only one that did notice it!
The major part of the player base is borderline and acts dum is unmotivated/nonsupporting and no dont blame the console players cus thats not the major part of the mental challenged player.
That aside, you know the best way and to keep sane, is just to quit the first 5 sec by noticing brain drop of you team, but with a xp boost on this will be a sour choice, and here is the fact the developers not tell you.
When you have a XP boost on its a insta loss of the battle i suspect a sort of algorithm that puts you with the most unmotivated/nonsupporting baboons, this to waste your XP boost since they do not want you to lvl fast they want you to buy and pay the lvl’s, there goal is on purpose frustrate you in the hope you buy to compensate losses.
Like i said it already common with NO XP boost on that its a much lower chance you get into a bad game, but when a XP booster is active on you account you its 95% chance you end in a game you rater did left 5 sec of joining it!
Such a scum move, and a such sorry lot of a player base, only on events you get to play with good and supporting players since the dummy’s are probably not even rank 3 and therefore cant thank god not participate.
After all that forum posts of this conspiracy theory, I noted myself in Excel all games with boosters and I can say:
I won 80% of them
67% were games which already started
If you play campaigns and factions which are known to be the underdog, it is much more harder to win. My efforts to reach victory was much higher then without a booster.
This XP boost curse is gonna be a problem for the upcoming update.
In go to implement a open rank system that tracks you personally, and they mention that win and loss gone make big impacts on the rank later on the lader, so when you have an XP boost you wil lose a rank since you get put in games that are ultimately lost.
And no its not half way but freshly started matches!
The ting is i don’t want any Xp boost anymore they will drag you down for what ever is behind it i do not know but it is a fact that you get to play with what is worse then the AI.
And no the AI is not getting smarter or better no the players you stuck with are getting worse!
to put it mildly, cuz actually i am fu pist, and afraid, afraid for getting Xp boosts and droping ranks by game losses.
I feel you.
That is why i am addressing this your/we are not alone having this same BAD experience with a XP booster on, but i still care because i think/suspect its something that forces this upon us its just to rare now to get matched in a normal game with players actually playing.
I Remember way in the beginning of the introduction of Xp boost you just had normal games, but thats al in the past now, as if development was like, whoa thats a bit to good neft the drop rate of higher than 50% boosters, ow and make it so that you get matched with bad games.
I got 2 conquests in a row with a 3 game xp boost active yesterday… im not a big fan of conquest at all but when you have a boost active it hurts even more.
I noticed the same thing but i found somewhat of a fix for it:
Step 1: find some ppl and play in a team.
Step 2: make someone else commander if you have the XP boost.
Step 3: enjoy
Teamplay with someone else as commander if you have the xp boost.
It basically makes the game act normal instead of throwing conquest after conquest at you.
To make things worse for myself (lol), I use boosters on underdog factions (e.g. Axis Berlin) to at least make them progress somehow, but yeah then I’m the only human on the team with 0 rally points or tank spots from my teammates against a sweat stack squad of PPSh-41s and boom: loss under 5 minutes, 1000 + 50% XP = 1500 XP thank you very much.
Well that is a interesting way to trick the matchmaking algorithm into proper games.
yet i have to test that, but i no one to test it with so your up for the test?
contact me, and we can go into the Enlisted discord voice chat.
At the moment of writing this i got a 2x battle 200% XP Booster from the daily drop box a rare one to drop now, but you can already guess what’s going to happen. (Xp boost on equals defeat)
Seem to be happening to me alot. 6 days in a role with 50% boost due to the season pass. All lost match. After the boost is gone, i started winning more even when im barely trying.
Got a feeling when boost is on, it put you in lobby whereby opposition team are in a team play (Bunch of players playing together in real life) where by without it, it put you in random lobby games.
In this years BP you get a 12 game 100%, and a few days later a 12 game 50%
I documented my progress using mainly allies the for the bonus 12 game 100% and 12 game 50% bonuses and also a 300% game, in towards end of 12 game 100%.
Ya Allies in Normandy tend to lose alot though. Im losing in Moscow allies which seem a little worst since Allies in Moscow seem to be the more OP one. lol.
Friendly tip, if playing allies in Normandy go for North America server only. At least it a 40% chance u would win. Europe and East Europe, dont bother. Mostly likely you will lose as allies in those server.
Anyways look me up sometime if you need help with the boost on. Cant guarantee we will win seeing how curse the boost are but i can try my best. haha