I am talking about the sjr (suujarru) model. It got different muzzle brake compared to the original. It also exists in the editor so adding it wouldnt take much effort. We could also get kp 44 drum mag or kp 31 korsu
Man where the ×××× did you get this type 2 smg with 6.5 rounds had only 20 round mag they were larger than 8mm nambu unless Japanese made a 50 round mag for 6.5 round there was none and that round will make this not a SMG but rather an AR
here its written 20 round in the mag and fire rate at around 360 to 420 document is fron NonNational he made a post talking about the this modification
Also beyond the point but Type II was also tested in laboartory with 7.7x30 round(Smaller than 7.7 arisaka round but way bigger than 8 mm nambu) and also for 8.65x30 mm round but only 6.5 mm went to field test also unlike what many people might think these type IIs were meant for cavalry units since they needed a portable automatic weapon that was more reliable and lighter than the Type 11 machine gun
Anyway man other than that the list seems fine good job
NO man that’s not it I think thats a type II B with 50 round might be early type II but for type II with 6.5 there was no 50 round though 20 round was ducumented some blieve that 30 or 35 round mags might have existed