Prick in a Tank

I usually don’t care what Tank people do since for the most part, I don’t use mine. But last night fighting as an Allie vs Japan, I am trying to cross a bridge at the start of the game to get my APC to the battle front, when some Prick in an Allied tank literally ran me off the bridge and my small APC rolled over into the river upside down. Now, I am no genius, but I would think that a Tank, which more then likely is going to just hang out in the gray zone would want the foot soldiers to get to the front as quick as they can. If I could have, I would have blown that dude’s tank up myself. In fact, just to show him I was pissed, I tossed a couple explosion packs on him. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Yeah, I know, it just cost me a couple explosion packs which had zero effect, but it made me feel better about the prick. I guess more evidence of lacking team work. :thinking:.


Yeah, some players are just pricks.
Runing over with vehicles, blocking sights etc


Several times I am shooting out a window and someone else starts trying to shoot from the same window and all we do is bounce each other from side to side as neither of us can shoot.


And then you both get shot :upside_down_face:


Once, I was window shooting and someone would NOT let me stay in the window, so I backed away. The dude got up into the window to start shooting, and I bumped into him and found out you can push them out the window. :rofl: I felt no remorse. :innocent:


well tbh it is mostly your and your teammates bots that are blocking the view from window. very rarely i encountered actual players fighting over the same position…

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A year ago they “fixed” that in a patch, of course according to the developers, I’m still looking for that patch.

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I remember one time in old berlin campaign where you would spawn near the bridge objective with your tank. Usually there is always an greyzone tiger 2 or panther on the other side so i figured that i would take my t34 and kill them before they can start farming infantry. My plan almost worked when an clueless tiger 2 p arrived. I had just aimed my cannon to the weakspot in turret and when i was about to shoot when an friendly t34 rammed his vehicle straight into my tanks ass. He messed up my aim and i fired to the wrong spot causing both of us to get killed.


So many times this happen tbh but sometimes it will happen with apc too I guess they got no manner

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take your shovel and dig him


Oh yeah, I got pushed into a river in Normandy before by an enemy tanker - I still feel humiliated to this day.


I hear you loud and clear my friend but for me a few assholes running me off the road are better than some snotty nose brat grey zone camping because they suck so bad they couldn’t get a kill otherwise

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I tend to do that a lot when opportunity permits, I wonder if that was you I pushed into the water.

Which map was it on ?

I think the most frequent one I’ve done that on is the Normandy Town map with the river running down the middle of it - can’t think of the name atm.

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Smoke grenades are golden in this situation.