Wanted to know if anyone has a list which details the premium squads starter perks that are not listed ingame.
What i mean is the perk that every squad member gets e.g. engineer 2 has stamina regen speed and mg3 has medkit extra heal.
Some squads like lewis gun and browning wz. squads have it listed but others dont.
Mostly auto squads have recoil perks as one of the four starter perk
Let me clarify, i want to know the perk that cannot be changed.
Those perks that i circled, also some squads have that perk in description but no values are given.
1 of the above squads has their special perk listed the other does not.
I want to know what perks do those squads have before i buy them.
Jagdpanzer IV/70 (V):
Every one soldier has the same perk starter pack + one perk available to take after level up.
Again, i want to know the perk that is not listed, not the 4 ones that is listed in store. I added some arrows now so might be more clear.
Also thank you if you just wanted to give info about the pz4/70 perk but i just was curious if someone has a list with all the perks.
jpz40/70 in shop lists 4 general perks on soldiers but not the squad specific perk.

The circled perk is what im after, you have no way of knowing what perk the squad has before buying it.
Thank you, was looking just for that