Premium Kiraly 43M squad's outfit is Historically Inaccurate

What is the Problem?

The Premium Kiraly 43M squad of Normandy Campaign, 6th Parachute Regiment, is a fallschirmjäger squad.

In-game they wear a fallschirmjäger jump smock, and a Heer Uniform under it.
But in real life, they actually wore the Luftwaffe Fliegerbluse instead of the Heer Uniform.

Photo of 6th Parachute Regiment soldiers at Normandy, 1944.
You can clearly see the Fliegerbluse under the smock.

So In-game outfit of Premium Kiraly 43M squad should be changed just as the image on right,
wearing the Fliegerbluse Under the Fallschirmjäger smock.


I think they’re intentionally trying to not be correct, it would explain the frequency with which they get everything half right.


Lol, but Than they got absolutely no reason to fix the Gasmask for the Panzerschreck. I think they are jsut being lazy to do it.

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As far as I know they didn’t wear a gas mask when they were using the Panzerschrek, That’s what the shield was for.

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Ofehnror then.