Premium compensation and booster gift

Commanders. With the release of each update that significantly changes some aspects of the game, problems can occur. On August 30 we encountered one of them — on certain systems and consoles, the game’s performance dropped noticeably. The problem was quickly discovered by our friendly community, so we were able to begin fixing it immediately. We want to apologize to each of you and compensate you for the inconvenience.

  • Added 1 day of premium account to all players who had premium active on August 30.
  • Added a +100% booster for 2 battles to all players who logged in to the game on August 30. Use the booster until September 7.

The issue was identified and fixed much earlier and faster thanks to your active participation in submitting performance logs. A huge thanks to you!


I want my silver order that I invested in WP back, thx.

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To tell you the truth, I don’t even remember if I received anything. I’ve been playing for so long that a booster doesn’t even make a difference😄



coulda made it a weekend of premium…


It probably just threw you in Conquest games anyways. So it doesn’t really matter too much.


The problem continues… They have not solved it…


This is a lovely gesture, appreciated mate :+1:

It’s a very nice gesture and I’m grateful for it. I was immensely disappointed the moment I was thrown into a conquest game and was immediately destroyed because I have squads with no upgrades and I couldn’t use the boosters to the fullest potential.

I still have some big issues that I have been reporting on in the report forum and I have not seen any resolve, it’s been three (3) days and no fix. They have said there will be an investigation and I should resort to default settings for my controls (console) and I have done that and still no issue. I feel as if everyone feels that the update is good and done and we are moving on but I feel left behind because I’m still having issues.


Would you consider extending the BP duration some people might not be able to play and missing 1-2 days would probably prevent F2P player from reaching max level.

I demand someone show up to my house and hug me while I sob about my misfortunes