Preferred maps open discussion

Ok it’s about time that we had a choice on our chosen maps (campaigns), I think historically speaking Devs did implement this or was it vehicle association I can’t recall, we didn’t like the outcome.

Well time has passed and I think it’s worth revisiting this as it will be something implemented again as was on roadmap.

So below it would be good to understand how you would like this to work, so Devs get some direct player feedback, which might well influence their design decisions.

I’ll go first:
I would like preferred maps to be an exclusion soft option, so I can limit the pool and maps I play, so for example Low tier US not Normandy / Bulge - not sure if this should be limited to one exclusion or any?

Feel free to add your own thoughts, but if you are off topic or say open up all maps please refrain from posting. This is only how preferred maps should work, what you would like to see it do :saluting_face::guardsman:


Stalingrad and Rzhev: only BR 1-3

Normandy and Ardennes: only BR 3-5

Japan: only BR 1-3

If Allies BR2 team has predominantly British forces or Axis team has predominantly Italian forces: more chance to get Tunisia than anything else

Sorry but that is not preferred maps option that is BR limits, which I do agree with, but it is preferred maps.

Any ideas on that?

i rather not.

because it would then end up like csgo,

dust 24/7.

which i much rather that maps to have no limitations beside faction origin.

( aka, no germans on the pacific, but as long i can land in tunisia, stalingrad, moscow, normandy or any where else but, the same map over and over indipendent of the br or players decisions. because i would like to remind you that the merge, and the way things are, it was because of players who couldn’t decide and just wanted easy farms overstacking factions and what not. ).

This isnt possible anymore because they already added the high br stuff.

Why do you think so, surely if you don’t have a preference and enough players also don’t care it wouldn’t end up same as CSGO?

But I for one know a fair few people I play with and seen on Reddit who do want such an option.

This post is showing me how hard to actually it is to develop design such a thing, as I have not seen one post which is describing how this should work (it is on roadmap so is coming soon)

well, i expressed why i don’t like playing the same map over and over.

ovviously someone somewhere will disagree :upside_down_face:

but i would like to remind you why we lost campaign selection.
i believe it would tie to the same reason as map preferences.

because people have no auto controll to say enough is enough.
should devs impose it?
perhaps no.

but again, i don’t see what good comes out of deciding maps and what not.
it just makes others overshadowed.
if one thing i noticed, people don’t really like to find solutions than outright “block” the problem by not dealing with it.

plus, i like how enlisted is dynamic and you never know where you end up.
hence having to adapt tactics and maps with the stuff you brought.
that, is a challenge.

i guess not everyone agrees.
but that’s fine.

question is, just because X or Y wants it, is it really beneficial to have it?

i remember how people wanted the campaign system back.
yet… well, go figure why ain’t coming back.

i remember people wanting mines.
they got them alright, but mines aren’t widely liked either.

you see where i’m going with this?

that’s true.

i was briefly going over that, it is planned, but not one has an idea of how it would function.

i presume it’s an option that… somehow increases chances of a campaign appearing more for the player.

no idea either.

but, with that being said, i personally struggle to see how it would function.

because best / worst case scenario,

  • you end up in the same campaign ( which to my guess, normandy for the most part )

so, based on others ( because i presume it will work based on majority ) voting system, i will most likely get dragged by others decisions.

which again, i wouldn’t mind so much, but i recognize how other maps will be overshadowed because people do not like open areas and do not know what smokes are even made for.

or… maps that aren’t straight foward for the w + LMB gameplay.


Well those would be my preferred maps for those BRs, no?

Honnestly, i think low br should abble to play in all maps

And hight br should be link with the period of the map bcause "ha " and bcause I dont think stg 44 + king tiger in tunisia is a good idea .

Or dv should create special mod for HA lovers with rewards .

That is called custom matches and mods. Only if the devs would listen to feedback and improve them


I know… :frowning:

Remove BR
Input HA focused PM

Newbs don’t need coddling. They can run through the same fires we did when we started

I just want option to permanently ban all Tunisia maps. That’s all I need to be happy.

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Hear hear my guy! I don’t like a single one of em


I want to ban all Eastern front maps lol. Maybe we could swap? :rofl:

I will say though Tunisia, like Pacific, suffers from a severe lack of variety.

I remember when Tunisia was just a ‘coming soon’ sign. Since that time Tunisia hasnt really changed.

Sure we have gotten new maps over the years but they’re all the same.

Again like Pacific I’m also rather annoyed and puzzled as to why the entire ‘desert theatre’ and ‘Pacific theatre’ must be reduced to very small and specific geographic areas of copypaste generic ‘North African village’ and ‘bungalows by the sea.’

Desert war was Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Iran.

Tobruk and El Alamein, Cairo, can we please get literally anywhere other than Tunisia???

(there was also East Africa albeit that was a minor theatre)

Removed map level restrictions and ABC occupation mode
Weekly map rotation (just increase the chance of appearance)

I would like a list of theatres with an option to make them: Preferred, Rejected or No Preference.

The Preferred theatres have a further option to specify how many minutes I am prepared to wait for a game in that theatre.

If a game in one of my preferred theatres is not available within my specified time limit I would go to the next available game in my No Preference theatres.

I would never get a game in my Rejected theatres.

EDIT: I would also add heinous penalties for deserting a game in a Preferred theatre.

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Please no. Sometimes your internet just crashes or you have to urgently do something irl and you are forced to desert.

BS argument

Continuous bypassing system via desertion isn’t the same as leaving the match from time to time due to irl reasons.

The first desertion of the day should be without penalty, the others should be properly penalized/punished. Because they are very obviously intentional exploits.

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This is an good idea.