Predict what Enlisted will look like in 3 years

I must admit…Italy has alot of my favourite gear in alot of areas. from ancient times, to modern times. (even ww 2)

Their SMG just appeals to me


Their Planes are quite impressive also. One of the best looking IMO


I really like the design of their ships, even if they didnt use them so well…Beautiful



Which reminds me. My favorite Japanese animation studio used the name of an Italian airplane when deciding on a name for their company.
It seems that there are more people who love Italian aircraft than I can imagine.


And under Enlisted everything will be fine,
It will come soon, you just have to wait.
Everything will be free there, everything will be a thrill.
There probably won’t be any need to die at all.
I woke up in the middle of the night and realized that
Everything is going according to plan.

Shinden is not a jet fighter though its still uses piston engine this kinda like do. 335 but without the pull (do 335 has 2 engine one is pushing the plane the other pulls the plane) Shinden only has the pusher

I have already written about it.

A jet engine–powered version was considered, but never even reached the drawing board. It’s what’s written in Wiki I wouldn’t mind having Shinden as a Jet fighter but we don’t even know what it would have looked like cause a jet fighter requires a new engine and frame redesign so how the hell do you expect devs to model A jet Shinden not that they would go out of their way to do that and not to mention the normal shinden is in WT so most likely its just gonna be ported but in any case According to my sources, the creator of the J7W Shinden, Captain Masaoki Tsuruno, envisioned his aircraft as using a turbojet from the outset. Of course, at the time, Japan had no such engine and thus, the Mitsubishi MK9D was used instead. However, his design work was done with a turbojet in mind so that when such a powerplant became available, the transition would not require significant changes. It is my opinion that the J7W2 Shinden-Kai (The jet version) would have simply been the J7W1 airframe with a turbojet installed.

I only raised it as a possible candidate for a Japanese jet fighter. I wrote that there were plans for it to be converted to a jet fighter.
I am displeased that you are persistently trying to get at a point that has nothing to do with the main point of the article.

Not my intention just pointing out that Jet powered shinden is not something that would be easily done without a design sketch in first place You could have instead suggested R2Y2 Keiun-KaI V1 and V2 and R2Y2 Keiun-Kai V3
All 3 versions + R2Y1 which is piston one

Will enlisted be around after 3 years ?

I think it exists.
I’ve been looking at the forums for the past 2 years since I first started playing the game and every week people keep saying that this game is dead content, but it still exists.

You won’t believe the amount of people that love their food :pinched_fingers:

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Imo cold war should be done in a way more simple, instead of push existing fraction in cold war era (Just push them in semi post war era)

We should add for example south korea and North korea as faction with their own tech tree

  • mixing south korea with US and european forces (premium, free, event ecc…)
  • Mixing North korea with chinese and soviet forces (premium, free, event ecc…)
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The man who invented pizza is great.
And prosciutto.
And peperoncino.

Right now, the Cold War is still a total pipe dream, but I am curious to see what it will look like if it is implemented.
Well, the day will come when Italy and England will have their own tree before Korea becomes their own tree.


mhhhhhhh…I hope too but i don’t believe it.

Well, I understand your doubts.
However, this zombie event and others were quite good this time, so my evaluation has changed a lot. From the hope that they will add a good PVE mode.
At least games with PVE live quite long.imo.

Quite strange priorities
Especially which clans, if there is still no chat in the game?(except for the only one for the team in the battle itself)

First of all, the game needs a good polishing of what is already in the game. So that the mechanics can work more normally (and this is not limited to bipods alone). And the bugs must be fixed (hello to grenade and AT launchers whose projectile still flies off with an offset to the right side).

The projections in this thread are not rigorous.
To build a house, you need to cut out the wood material, but you don’t need to write that much down.
It’s just a rough idea of what features might be added, or what to expect.

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especially since it’s not a

but actual points.

but whatevs.

Well? The point is that she’s not worried about the things that are more important right now. I mean, for example, why need a customize if you still can’t get in the windows properly?

Where I was saying about
But yea, whatever.

This thread is not a place to write detailed plans for improving the game.
Yes, the game actually has a lot of things that need to be fixed, but we’re talking about the distant future, so we’re assuming they’ve all been fixed or something. It’s just a place to put the details aside and talk about how you imagine Enlisted in the distant future would look like.
She understands this and is only talking about it in a light-hearted, joking way.