PPSH obrez damage comparison doesn't make sense,harmonize the damage values

When comparing the 2 PPSH obrezs,we can see the main difference between the 2 versions is the german one having a shorter barrel and having a lot less damage,4.1,which is really low,and the russian one having 4.7 (still not great,but a hell of a lot better) damage with slightly better recoil,despite firing the same round.when we compare the 2 guns though,the actual barrel is very similar in length to the point the damage values shouldn’t be as varied as they are,the russian one just keeps the barrel shroud around the barrel to make it appear longer than it actually is,so the guns would have an almost identical muzzel velocity (which I assume is the reason they did this despite the muzzel velocities being the same,it’s either that or caliber being different being the only logical things that would impact damage,but the caliber is the same).for this reason,the 2 damage models should be alligned,as otherwise it doesn’t make much sense.The 2 guns would still be different outside of the modes though,as the russian one has slightly better recoil (from the barrel shroud talked about earlier) and the german one would have slightly faster reload (and the lack of a front sight).

If you look above and compare the 2 and overlap the guns (they aren’t at the same exact angle though) you can see what I am talking about.the image below shows what I was talking about with the barrel shround extending past the actual barrel so you can better grasp the concept.



The ppshs Germans get are nerfed but the panzerfaust USSR gets are not.
Bias? :thinking:


When will DF just bite the bullet and give Germany and Soviets AK47s


In 3 year I guess?

Yeah you cut down the barrel of course the damage not gonna be good

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That’s a given,but the barrels are the same lengths,so it doesn’t make sense as to why the damage models are so different

well, german obrez have a cutted cannon, so, german obrez had less bullet speed, thats why it can had less damage

Barrel was what I assume you meant here,since I dont think PPSHs had cannons on them,at least I hope not.But the thing is,the barrel length is basically the exact same as the russian one,with again,the barrel shroud making the russian one’s barrel appear longer,so they would have the same muzzel velocity.and even the TT-33 has a similar if not shorter barrel and yet has more damage.

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Realistically, I’m not even sure that partisans or militiamen had a tendency to even cut down PPSH-41s. Whilst PPSH-41s were used by both sides of the conflict, it seems unlikely that they really feel a need to saw down both the barrel and stock especially considering that the PPSH-41 had a naturally high rate of fire with fairly strong recoil which would only be worsened.

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yes, barrel, mistake (in spanish we know barrel as cannon)

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iirc 1 extra cm of barrel gives ~4m/s extra speed. even if russian had 2-3 cm extra barrel length it would at most give 2-3% more speed. not to mention that ingame both weapons have same bullet speed.

btw damage gets even worse when you consider that if you are against soviets with body armor they will deal 10% damage less. so soviets will deal 5.6 damage, while germans will deal 4.5 damage.


Isnt the barrel in the picture about the same length but the german one just look shorter as they removed the cover from the front?
The barrel itself is about 2 of those holes long too which is about as much as the USSR one but the USSR one has some cover extending where the barrel already has stoped giving the illusion of a longer barrel.

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German one is smaller, the barrell is a lot shorter than russian one

But how? The back of the gun is the same and both feature the same lenght of a barrel with the 2 hole segments. The barrel of the USSR one clearly is not visible anymore in the 3rd segment which means it does not count and the german one while it has cut away the covering halfway of the second segment still has the barrel contine at full length to the same point where I suspect the USSR one ends aswell.

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OK but where is the actual barrel of the gun?
To me it look like that in the USSR version the barrel is shortened to as the last segment is very much see-through or how else could you see the table?

If anything the diffrence in the actual barrel is only about a cm if existant at all.

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Just a cm,but still the German one is shorter

And that justifies a drop of 15% total damage? If that one cm (if even) does so much then why arent the normal PPSH 10 dmg+ with their longer barrel?

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Don’t ask me I don’t know, still both gun are in the same situation with the damage who is at the same level of pistol, my suggestion for both gun is just enjoy them how they are

No they are not
So for USSR one
13.5HP divided by 4.7 is about 2.9 bullets aka 3 shot to down
And germany one
13.5 HP divided by 4.1 is about 3.3 bullets which is 4 shots to down

The weapons are no that equal as you say but who cares about a bit a bias if it is in favor of the USSR…
This is even without the body armor buff applied…

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