Today I captured PPD-40/PPSh drum mag smg from fallen soldier (don’t remember exact smg model) with bayonet. It’s true that they get all the cool stuff in Berlin but i’m wondering if Axis historicaly also used bayonets in Berlin and could they receive them soon.
To be fair, you NEVER use the bayonet on that ppd… because there’s nothing better in cqc than the bullet spray the gun itself delivers. Only use I see is if by some miracle someone is still alive but in downed state, you can “coup de grace” him with the bayonet…
PPSh never had a bayonet lug for a good reason and that premium PPD with the bayonet thing was never accepted into service.
The Gun your referring to is a weapon that comes with premium squad for the Berlin Campaign .
Right now Axis players may purchase the Lebel squad for rifles with bayonets, but I don’t think they can get anything like the M44 for free.
The “bayonet PPD” gets down bad outclass from the drum mag PPSh ( and that’s only weapon to weapon comparison not even gonna talk about maxed free russian Assaulter II squad vs the aforementioned “bayonet PPD” premium squad ).