PPD-34 is better than every other SMG

This gun holds only 25 Rounds is better than the PPD-34/38, PPD-40, and PPSh-41 that holds 73 and 71 Rounds.

Its accuracy is better
Its recoil is lower
And it seems like it has less bullet deviation

Now Gaijin please dont nerf it because its perfectly balanced and is my favourite Gun but i dont see the Problem with every Submachine gun having this low recoil and good accuracy you know?

My Moscow loadout was 3 assault squads, one with PPD-34/38, one with PPD-40, and one with PPSh-41.
Its now 3 assault squads but with PPD-34, PPT-27, and PPD-40.

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Does this really matter for Soviet SMGs when the difference for accuracy, recoil and bullet deviation don’t differ much? Reminds me of those who prefer to have recoil perks and even large backpacks full of medkits which are not my style.

Drum mag PPSh all the way for assaulters considering how unforgiving the Tractor Factory is so its better to have 71 rounds with more shooting and less reloading. If only they consider fixing the model of the regular PPSh where the premium ones look better with the wood furniture.

PPSH is the best smg no contest.


pps42 > ppsh41.

sadly aint on moscow.

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I’ve tried them all and prefer the PPSH. It has no downsides to it with a drum magazine.

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I personally prefer the PPD-40, I was amazed by its feel, controllability, precision, more bullets, high rate of fire
I think all Soviet submachine guns feel good in the hand. I really like the combination of large ammunition capacity and high rate of fire weapons.

I use the thompson in stalingrad is good compromise between the ppsh and pps, never liked the ppsh41 it fire to fast and consumes more bullets because the server continues to have problems registering shots from weapons with an excessive ROF

If a have use a soviet smg if there is no pps i go for the ppd

Pppsh 25 mag in Berlín

Low magazine, but not uncontrolable like 71 magazine

It’s also fun to use non-meta weapons, I could use 3 rotating squads of ppsh41 and mkb42, but I’m not a bully and I like varied gameplay

Ye, one day you gonna realize ppsh41 it’s a waste of silvers. And honestly it’s just a overstated, the most overated weapon that just serves to waste bullets per kill and get bots more aggressive against you.

Untill then, ye use the ppsh41

Nope PPD is more accurate.

Try the cheap Pps42. Srs I have swaped avts over it and I dont regret it at all.

Srs give it a try

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Sole SMGs with real recoil are Thompson and maybe bunch of Itals. Its still beyond me why people complain about SMG recoil, especially concerning Soviet guns.

Pps42 My beloves

Better gameplay than ppsh

no one complains ( Why are most of the posts to buff ppsh41 was trolls)

but ppsh41 are the best smg to experiment with visual recoil if you notice the 90 round ppsh has a recoil that feels very different from other weapons
Ppsh 90 mag have a visual recoil similar to m1919a6 (for some reason, that visual recoil was Nice)

------Last words from a ppd-34 assualter trying to duel with mg34s and mkbs

It has more recoil than the PPD-34/38 and shoots faster so i dont think so

Because it gets you killed because if someone has a bolt action rifle they kill you faster since all they have to do is tap L2 and R2

Still most SMGs do not have recoil and PPD40 is still more accurate.