Here is an idea. Post a screenshot of your battle stats as Pacific Allies to prove how unbalanced the campaign is right now. I’ve just lost a match as Allies after a full week of constantly playing without losing.
Anybody got 100% (with a relevant number of battles fought)?
The problem with requesting this of course is that quite a few people are “ levers “, As a result it’s possible to have completely ridiculous win rates. This is of course why so many people are able to obtain marshals rank within a week or so with the new session starts because they only play games they know they’re gonna win to completion, and this is why the ranking system is so controversial because it actually encourages some players to leave games.
I think I’m probably in the minority in that I never actually leave a game, and until recently I never had to but some of the server connections have been pretty bad lately and I’ve actually been dropped from a couple of games because of bad connections.
I’ve mostly been playing the Japanese, and my win rate is about 25%.
My assumption is that the developers can track all of the stuff so they actually know what’s going on but I might be all wet about that.
Earlier today I did have a good run playing Japan as well we won three games in a row, And part of the problem of course with all of this is that our own assessments are always highly subjective
my reasoning has always been that failure snowballs when players get to (in a sense) pick their teammates.
Major losing streaks like Japan has had even happen in games that allow the same equipment on both sides, so long as players choose which side to play for.
Well that of course and people leave whenever they’re not going to win, at least you know some of them do, so it sort of becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy that the Japanese are going to lose so people won’t play them because they are concerned with winning, there’s a sort of crazy player psychology thing going on there.
It does kind of feel to me though that playing the Americans in the Pacific is kind of like playing in easy mode, but again it’s a subjective assessment on my part.
Yeah I dislike leaving matches too. How can one expect to get better if they never challenge themselves even a little?
Im probably in the even smaller minority that has been liking the ass beating while playing Japan because it really starts to make you play more creatively.
I use(d?) to very rarely (if ever) leave matches, yet yesterday perhaps for the first time I think I FULLY understood why people do.
I was already in a somewhat bad mood due to IRL annoyances, so I didn’t really feel like “working” for tasks or grind, I only wanted to have some fun by shooting stuff.
So I launched the game and entered a match (campaign and faction are irrelevant to the point).
Whatever the reason, I apparently sucked horribly, and in a matter of minutes I had already suffered multiple squad wipes while barely scoring 5 kills.
Then I checked the scoreboard, and saw myself SECOND PLACE in the team despite having been little more than cannon fodder, with the guy in the first place having already quit.
So I said to myself, “Why exactly should I stay and be somebody’s punching bag for the next 10-20 minutes, with the only result to make my mood even worse, instead of doing something that actually makes me relax and feel better?”
Left the match, closed the game, and off I went playing something stress-free.
I have played a Tunisia match with you few “days” ago.
We were the only 2 trying , that match was so cancerous I had to leave.
Srs after a working day I want to relax, I don’t want or need a esl csgo major final every match, I don’t have nothing to prove to no one, neither I need to carry and or frustrate my self on a match to prove a point no one asked.
Also, on a game based in grind, there is no reason to stay on a loosing match.
Yeah, I hate those games and I would be a liar to say that I haven’t left a good few matches like that. But recently I just use those games to try the most ridiculous strategies to see if they are even somewhat effective at all or learn the map routes and locations a little more.
Most recently however, I have become a mole, digging from place to place when games are a loss like that xD