Post New-Order I: (Most) Tier III Stuff Needs Its Own Queue

Title says enough. Tier III is cursed. Its either clubbing or get clubbed. I agree that one queue makes more splitty, but one queue cant be more damaging than 75mm Shermans facing Tiger II((H) or KV1 lolcowing Panzer IIs in the long run.

Edit: Sry for spelling mistake.


This would split the playerbase even more…

Hope you understand the stupidity of my answer.

Is better spliting existing playerbase than having no one left to play early BR without force them join the high BR fue low number lmao

But the damage is already done so good luck recovering from that DF, you reap what you sow, thanks being so out of touch with the playerbase and the game itself


The very first match I played was soviets T2, a few idiots from teir 3 made it unplayable and I just left, flamethrowers, panzer 4s, the whole thing, and what do you have to counter that, the PTRS? You could barely do anything without some T3 player curbstomping you
