Post battlepass rewards

After finishing the battlepass players are “rewarded” with 1000 silver per level and a few 50% boosters. This current model doesn’t insensitives players continuing to play after completing the battlepass and some players may even stop playing until the battle pass resets. The new battle pass claimed it would fix this by shortening the overall wait between new content (that post can be found here:Battle Pass in a new format!)

I suggest the values should be increased:

Original reward values:

New values:

As well as the rewards being increased, the battles pass should have a hidden 30 levels (making 60 levels in total). These levels should be hidden like the current post battlepass levels, but their should be some differences:

•every 10 levels a veteran box should be rewarded, meaning 3 in total.

•for the last level as well as giving a veterans box , 400 gold should also be rewarded.

These changes should make player retention after completion of the battlepass better and also reward players who play very often.


They should be given random GO weapon/vehicle/soldier every 30 levels past 75.

So in new system Random GO every 10-15 levels.


They will never do that
But maybe something like 100-200 Gold


Will be quite hard considering their currently attempting to phase out choice when it comes to GO things.
Edit: sorry didn’t see the word random


It would be auto redeemed with no way to chose what you want to take.

So i should specify it better - Random BP weapon/vehicle/soldier.

Just like Veteran boxes but better. It would give you some incentive to keep grinding after you are done with a season after ~10 days. Waiting 20+ more days without any meaningful reward sucks.


Shoot I’ll take me some extra stuff for doing exactly what I’m doing now

i dont need silver. :joy:

OIP (5)
Is this you by chance?


nop :sunglasses: :neutral_face:
im this guy



Damm :hushed:

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Just replace one reward in repeating levels with 8 appearance orders and I will be happy.

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I’m still waiting for decent customisation to spend mine on

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and that is nothing
i spended lot of silver with the gamble box.
i reached 1298K

i have no use of that silver.
nor the research points

i would gladly transfer the research points to a pal
but the holy snail said NO :pleading_face:

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I suppose if our lord has decreed it then I shall abide. :snail:

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3000-4000 silver is fair, i think they should also remove the daily limitations for those who bought the BP, after all they are paying costumer