
This is gonna be a pretty weird suggestion since it doesn’t apply to the game, but rather to the forums.

The Enlisted forums has many features available when creating topics, like putting dates, bolding text, quotes, and et cetera.

But one thing it doesn’t have is a polling feature.

This could be useful for players trying to find out which gun is better, or whether their suggestion that they made a topic for was good.

Overall, it could be a nice way to gather the opinions of the players in a simple, but efficient way.

It could even be used to gather specific feelings about a certain thing, as you can put emojis on the news blogs to show excitement, laughter or whatever if you get what I’m saying.

I think it had polls, but the feature is somewhat broken now.


We used to have poll features.

We used to have personalized profiles

We used to be able to show our country flag if we wanted (to show where we’re from)

All those got removed… Because…

Literally 1984


I think forum polls don’t really matter, we are very vocal about core issues anyways, what would be cool is ingame polls - to know what the entire player base thinks, because we Forum nerds are simply a very small bunch.


Well, when they have polls, then they have to deal with all the issues of the game they would like to ignore, and if a poll is taken about something they should have fixed a long time ago, it’s hard to ignore when a vast contingency of their players are pointing it out with poll numbers. Granted, not every poll is going to be about shit that should be fixed or changed, but I would imagine a fair share of them would be. :rofl:

To me, a poll is actually a better way of letting the DEV’s know the sentiment of the players, more so then just a forum discussion, as with forum discussions you have to sift through all the drivel to find out some people’s feelings, where a poll is usually just YES or NO. Then, do the DEV’s actually have someone who reads all the forum drivel? A poll requires no reading, just a quick look at tally numbers. But, if the DEV’s don’t read what we write, does it really matter? :thinking:

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wait a minute? we have a playerbase that thinks???


all of these sound good to me tbh dont understand why it got remove at all


Well, stupidity is also an opinion.

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We don’t know either…

some half baked answer was about client’s (forum) update. Somehow lost functionalities.

None of us believe it.

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