Poll: changes in Collective farm 'Avangard' mission

Dear players,
Based on your feedback we have changed Collective farm ‘Avangard’ mission increasing strategic capturing zones. Please, share your oppinion how much you like it or not.


Oh my i was excited when I heard that avangard’s cap zone is going to increased. Like it very much, thanks devs…maybe u should do the same with another location


While I really like the increased size for the B capture zone, as far as i understand it, it covers 2 buildings and the in-between zone, but the marker is on the building closer to A and C, leading to some confusion.

I absolutely love the added trench on the B flank, it is a great piece of cover.

Haven’t had the chance to play A/C much yet


Zone B covers all three barns.


I like the map, though sometimes it feels like much of the map is unused, particularly the trenches which only really serve as tunnels to ambush tanks.
It is also possible for tanks to spawn camp quite a bit from the barn woods and railroad.

Love the changes, the less cap zones that can be cleared with one grenade the better.


oh, I personally agree, BTW


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If maps size will remain the same on final release version, spawncamping in general (literally in every map, it is far too easy to spawncamp) will be issue since day 1, that will haunt PR department like nightmare.

Map could be abit more spread out, but overall pretty good

Pretty much map is fixed as B point was atrocius.
I’m not sure if increasing zone size for A was necessary as i found it pretty easy to attack and defend.
C point leads to some confusion among players as i was able to bamboozle some players into beliving that zone was empty and capture it as soon as they went for A or crossed the road.

Spawn points are mixed bag- c-side spawn nearer b is just unpleasant as bots and players are very cramped during spawn what leads to loosing of control. -either it should be bigger or it could be a gun emplacement in trench. (love all other newly added trenches as well as ability climb barracks on B point)

Also it is easier to approach b point from c side than a side.

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In pretty much every map you can camp spawns… same happens with tank maps in War Thunder. I think Devs love it to much and won’t change it :man_shrugging:

donno , i still cant enjoy the map i find the best part of it around the trenches closer to B site unused most the batle time :confused:


Keep A point
Move C to farm houses
Move B point to the trenches close to it
Rework the spawns around this new locations.

the barn on B its main objective in the matches i have tryed, making the map a litle boring after rounds and rounds of the same.

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I did not play before the changes, but I like the map. The only change I would make is to make it slightly easier for tanks to maneuver around in the town.

I personally think the B cap could get reduced in size to 2 barns as 3 barns is a bit of a hide n seek affair if you want to clear enemy soldiers of the capture zone.

I do really like the idea of having a capture zone cover the entirety of the large trench area, but at the same time, it would become hide n seek the game over there. There also has to be enough cover to approach those trenches, requiring more reworking of the map

yes! its much better now!
i think you should also add 4th cap zone in the middle (the house)

I personally think this map could do with a rework: move the barns further away from the side with the big trench complex, then move the trench complex to the place of the barns, and make that the new B point. Then extend the ammount of houses towards the area where C is and move C to include one of those buildings.

no, maps are based, shouldnt be moved…