Poland +

Nothing is locked. Only equipment cannot be mixed, to avoid nonsense.

(Fedorov + IS-2 —> River crossing, Błyskawica + Firefly —> D-Day, but - Błyskawica + IS-2 = no match found)

There is a problem with France because although it was the enemy in 1940, after the capitulation the legal government was in Vichy. It is not talked about, but in Africa and in the south of France, the Allies fought against the French, who were loyal to the legal government.

Placing Poland in the Red Army’s technology tree is even more controversial because on September 17, 1939, the Soviet Union attacked Poland.
More Poles served in the Western army, and if we ask where the Polish army got its reinforcements from, we will discover where the most Poles served.
The first army of the Polish army under the auspices of the red army was small compared to the Polish army in the west, but also the most combative because among the units of the red army it had the most heavy, bloody battles.

the Allies fought against the French, who were loyal to the legal government.

More like French proxies for the German government as France were not allied to the Germans but occupied.

Southern France and the colonies were not occupied. There was a legal government in Vichy that had moved there from Paris. I know that history is written by the victors, but the legal government of Degol was called that by the Allies. The French army fought fratricidally in Africa “Operation Exporter”, and in southern France the Allies fought with French soldiers. Additionally, few people know that there was a landing in southern France where the beaches were defended by French soldiers “Operation Dragoon”. Unfortunately, Wikipedia is distorted in this respect and the French made sure that this information was not easily accessible. Operation Dragon was preceded by naval battles with the Vichy French navy.

Polish arsenal can be added to be partitioned between soviets and germans.