Points for diging trenches

Technically you could, and both options independently would still be better than the current.
However, both together could make a significant impact for the better.

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At least there is a lot of thought put into it. I have to give respect and notice on that.

The new issue to this now is to get a large amount of support for this topic in a short time frame. If that happened it’s going to grab some attention.

I want to see more trenches both be made and used more often however; the devs can only focus on a few things at a time. Especially with the Merge Update is coming soon!

I understand and respect that.

My hope is that this and the engineer rework get put into the same update, and that update isn’t terribly far down the road (within 6 months optimistically).

This one for example got forwarded on as well, and I could see it plus the digging rework/ incentive working VERY well together.

Tell them to focus on making longer maps. We need time to dig.