Pls fix the glitch that makes it so you can only buy 3 FN model 1930s

If you bought an FN model 1930 in for a German campaign before the merge, then transferred it to the Japanese in the Pacific it counts still that as an FN 1930 bought for the Germans post-merge.

This means I can only buy 3 in the Axis faction, but I guess on the bright side now I can have 5 battlepass BARs for the Japanese.


welp atleast u can say that ur the only one with 5 japanese bar but if u want this fix is if even considered a problem ,open a support ticket

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I bought fn model in pacific, and moved it to germany before unification, and that was one of the best things i did in this game.

And dude asks for 4 fn models in pacific. Jeeses bro are you dumb?

Honestly, I’m just being a good Samaritan and letting them know the bug is here. I’d honestly rather have the extra Jap BAR in the pacific.