Since when can anti-aircraft guns shoot targets on the ground, they need to fix that ASAP, it’s ruining the game…
Ppl building them and spam infantry…
Since they were invented.
are you sure,didnt know that really :))
American half truck with four .50 cal in AA configuration was called “meat chopper” because of how good it was against infantry.
Once they corrected the penetration bug of AA gun, do you think this would be a good idea?
It may be too OP. But at the same time I was afraid of flammentank too. And they appeared to be less powerfull than I though.
I’m not saying that adding SPAA is a good idea. I’ve just said it was done.
I know. But do you have an opinion on it?
Imo we don’t need them now. Killing planes is a waste of time in most of the cases.
It requires quite a bit of effort, gives pathetic ammount of points and most of the time planes suicide bomb anyway.
Until all this changes, SPAA will be a massive detriment to everybody including its user.
Like yes, if fact this has been the case for so long that they even got to influence tank design as the use of the Flak 88mm effectively against t34s is what influenced a 88mm weapon design for a tank which would result in the tiger 1.
I think the killing of planes is dependent on the Campaign. For Berlin, it is usually secondary but that really can change if you are defending an open point. Last night on an Assault Map, we had lost the first point and were defending the two open points at the second objective. The IL’s and Fighters were giving us a really hard time. But, because AA got built we managed to keep them at bay for long enough to secure the points and hold the line.
Its not so much for the XP, its for the current situation of not being carpet bombed. Normandy really highlighted having good AA and I am sure once I am in Tunisia it will be as well.
I, just as a personal thing, do not use them against Infantry unless they are literally charging my position to take me out.
They also should NEVER be able to be built inside of a building. I’ve said that for almost a year.
It depends on the spine of your enemy.
If for example enemy is using a plane with rockets to suicide bomb, your AA duty is pointless. The enemy will die anyway and he will fire his rockets before you can cripple him enough to stop him.
As for points, they in deed are pathetic. Once I had a match in moscow where we were pounded by enemy IL-2. So I’ve built an AA gun and killed 5 planes only to realise that I’m 9th in my team in terms of points. It’s much more effective to ignore the plane and throw bodies at the objective.
Sometimes yes, I agree I will ignore planes and try and time my contest of the point between bombing runs. The match I was in yesterday we were being hammered in concert by them to try and break our defences on each point, I opted to build, shoot down then go and fight at the point before another plane spawned. It worked too. I don’t just sit on it waiting for planes and obviously I know to fight the point first.
It also depends on the skill level of the pilot you’re up against. If he knows his craft and is putting a huge hurt on you, it does make sense at time. I did it to great effect in Normandy. Some times I think it honestly tipped the battle in our favor.
:))) my bad,was annoyed by AA guns spaming my squads, so post quick one before done any research :))