Okay so it’s taken me quite a while to notice this, but the M8 HMC tank the Americans get is currently using HE and HEAT rounds while the Pz III N is using HE and APCBC rounds. What this translates to in the game is that the M8 can not only penetrate the Pz IV at any range on any part of the armour, it’s colossal 548.13g explosive mass will one shot a Pz IV as well. Now I’m not going to complain about that part, since the M8 basically has paper thin armour itself and ammo racks everywhere so it’s high risk high reward. What I do take issue with is that the German equivalent to the M8, the Pz III N uses the ineffectual APCBC round which with it’s low penetrating power and explosive mass is a far cry from that of the M8 details of which can be found below. Of additional note is that the Pz III has two HEAT round types available in War thunder that already address this problem.
So my solution is simple, give the Pz III any, literally any of the HEAT rounds available to it so it’s not underperforming in tank vs tank combat when compared to it’s American counter part.
that would be cool though the 3n’s APCBC rounds might actually be APHECBC from my experience and how i’m one shoting the jumbos, shermans and stuarts when every i pen them but that just might be me
All German AP rounds are APHE they just don’t put it in the name.
I think the one shot potential comes from the explosive yield of the APCBC round, 80g is no joke after all as it’s explosive yield is between the 85mm APHE round of the T-34-85 and the kind of yield you would expect from a Tiger’s 88mm. So knowing what 80g of explosive yield can do I think you can guess how the Americans feel when their M8’s 548g yield goes off inside a Panzer.
yep those that can’t happen because of how HEAT works
Do HEAT rounds have some quirk or something that can’t be seen from the stats tables? Because from a glance they do seem to be significantly more powerful.
HEAT explodes on contact with anything and usually has a slower velocity than AP
Yeah I see it now, though it’s odd that for the Pz III the HEAT rounds seem to increase velocity whilst for other tanks such as the Tiger’s which I included above and the Pz IV the velocity is decreased by as much as 50%.
yeah it is but german engineering is weird
Looks like the AP round was just heavier than the HE and HEAT rounds, so had a lower velocity from the relatively small propelling charge (6.8kg for AP, 4.4kg for HE shell - can’t find a HEAT weight but expect to be closer to HE then AP.
For other, longer, guns, the propelling charge for HE and HEAT would be less than for AP - HEAT doesn’t work so well at high velocities so =you want to slow it down a bit -but the L24 already had low velocity!!