Please remove the rising sun flag in Pacific campaign!

Seems like the obvious solution is to just play on the Chinese client.


I think it is more the misunderstanding caused by the intense language. In many cases, it is good to calm down. I have discussed with The poster , and he thinks it is OK to add an option

I donā€™t think he marked it, because I played with him all afternoon and all evening, but other people

Do you expect westerners to oppose that idea? Thatā€™s a win-win proposition for a good number among them.


And I plan to publish a new post for him, by the way to report this post, after all, has become a mess

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I know the person who posted it, that is, my friend, pretty well, but this time he hasnā€™t perfected his speech, so Iā€™ll come up with a new post for him, but only after I come up with a new Normandy equilibrium

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This whole Normandy balancing thing I was thinking about kept me from eating for three days, and thanks to the crew, I lost weight, you know

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I like that it all started with the censorship of the flag and ended with a discussion of salvation is in the Catholic faith.

You either love this community or hate it.



repent for your sins my son. all shall be forgiven if you repent.

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This posts needs to be deleted.

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We did and they were Glorious deeds

sure thing! letā€™s not offend people and make this a warm and welcome they/them dreamsmp lgbtq+ (//tw pancakes) safe zone!
Since we want all people to feel welcome, we should remove:
USSR flag (they did big no no in occupied terriroties)
USA (Japan got extra suns in the sky)
UK (colonies got their salt taken away)
Italy (funny anchovy anime grill)
Current censored Germany flag (thereā€™s + sign on it, and Iā€™m extremely bad at maths, so it triggers me when I see it)

Here ya go and ya I so agree with you


(1) Why Japan and Russia are Technically Still Fighting WWII - YouTube