Please reconsider and do not add Ho-Ri Production (Japan) to the game

1.It is a extremely paper tank that never exists, it is impossible to have it in a battlefield like pacific islands. If it is OK for it to appear in the game, the Maus, E-100, T34, T-95, IS3, etc will all be reasonable to appear on all maps. is extremely unbalanced, in war thunder it is better than Jagdtiger

It is a 7.3 vehicle in war thunder
M26 Pershing is just 6.7

If the japs can get a 7.3 Ho-Ri, The US should get T95 which also is a TD in 7.3 or a T34 tank in 7.0


Chi-Nu vs Jumbo?
Yes it is
So Ho-Ri vs Pershing should be.


Japs do not have tank like Jumbo, but American do have tanks similar/better than Ho-Ri

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And what?
So Ho-Ri vs Jumbo will be balanced because you think that Chi-Nu vs Jumbo is okay


Ho-Ri’s warthunder BR is the same as IS-3 and M47, unless we are ready for cold war vehicles, Ho-Ri should not be there

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The same as Chi-Nu vs Jumbo but it is nothing for people right?


At least jumbo is a vehicle that appeared in WW2. Ho-Ri is a fantasy vehicle that has not even been built as a prototype. So can Germany also request to add UFOs and vertical takeoff fighters?

Most of Japan’s steel is used to build battleships, so they won’t have real BR5 tanks. The devs should think of other ways to balance them instead of simply adding more fantasy.

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Yea if we go down warthunder vehicle route sooner or later we might get a Horten for the german

(which I guess is fine since enlisted is more “alternate universe” now since we have reverse D Day)


Dev simply doesn’t care.

Td doesn’t really work well in this game. Since the map is small and cluttered. Moreover, you can counter it by taking out both of its track to force its crew to repair, then shoot the crew.


The Ho-ri will be much worse in enlisted than it is in warthunder. It doesnt have mg and it is an tank destroyer making it vulnerable to infantry attacks

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So what?
You can still easily combat the vehicle with bombs and explosive packs.


It is a necessary addition in order for Japan to not have to face invincible tanks they can’t kill.
Not to mention that it was possibly built and dumped in a lake. And honestly, who seriously cares if it was ‘paper’ or not given my previous statement? I feel like people don’t care as much as they THINK they do.

Built, partially built, built, built, built and put in service. They aren’t comparable.

Why are you trying to compare its performance in a completely different game that is notoriously known for its terrible balance? This isn’t War Thunder.

Real Ho-Ri was in-progress at factory at the end of war.
However, Ho-Ri in war thunder seems based upon fabricated documents of “Ho-Ri III”.

Known Ho-Ri II had vertical hull armor, rear engine layout, auxiliary 37mm and 7.7mm guns and anti-air twin 20mm AA gun on the top of engine room.

Just imagine for one moment, Tiger II H never had been added to the game, man that would have made BR5 balance so much easier.

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lol all he has to do is get into the zone and the infantry won’t be able to reach him, and explosive packs won’t do anything to him anyway.

so, to combat the “invincible” american tanks, the developers gave the japanese a tank that never existed and was never deployed on the battlefield, and which is exessively strong, right?
If not, they could have just balanced their game, as they did for Tunisia (in addition to having great maps) by making the maximum level for playing in the Pacific level 3 or 4.