Please optimize the judgment of AI evasion of grenades

There are many times when AI is on the second floor and the enemy throws a grenade directly below the first floor, which triggers the AI’s evasion judgment. Then the AI may rush downstairs and be killed. Please optimize this mechanism so that AI can more reasonably judge whether to dodge the grenade and learn to find cover nearby to avoid the grenade.


Also tone down their ability to throw back nades. They throw the grenades back way too fast and way too often


No, actually this is quite good and doesn’t need to be changed, otherwise AI would be too fragile.

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Fr, I be throwing an explosion pack at an APC. In less than 5 seconds, an enemy squad spawns and the millisecond they dismount, they immediately throw the explosion pack directly at me.

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I’ve had AI catch my grenades midair, then insta throw them back at me with perfect precision a handful of times lmao.

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Ai can be improved in other areas but the grenade throwing is way too annoying


You can unplug the grenade cord and wait for 5 seconds before throwing it out, as long as this way AI has almost no time to react.
@SpedTable @Aussie-Tachanka

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100% agree with this. DF should spent time to fix it first, instead of planning to add the morale system.

same like the running paths. Instead of running to the left or right window / door bots are stilling running through the frontal door / window where enemy place barbed wire.

or the ammo issue. every time I switch on bot soldier, specially on MPs or MGs the weapon has only 1-3 shots left. bots won’t reload that weapon and this cost me many time more kills.


Oh I usually do, but even when I’ve cooked them for a good 3 seconds I’ve had them come back halfway and hurt me lol

3 seconds is too short, it takes 5 seconds because the explosion delay of the explosive package is 7 seconds

Happens to me often, I hope they really fix this.

AI is bold and has perfect aiming when it comes to tossing back frags.

But let a frag explode somewhere close by and they will run like cowards…

Yeah but you can’t tell when a squad will spawn on an APC so you wont even think about cooking them. I do cook grenades for tanks but not APCs