PLEASE NERF THE PANZER N FOR GODS SAKE and remove grey zone vehicles and at

That’s false.

M8 has way better AT potential, as it has way more heats than Pz 3 N.
(Unless you have the no longer obtainable stalingrad version, but that doesn’t really count. As no longer obtainable things are often left in more powerful state than their current counterparts, for whatever reason)
So there are situation in which TT M8 is going to have advantages over TT Pz III N.

And yes, objectively is Pz III N the best BR2 tank. But I don’t see it as problem. Soviets have best BR2 smgs, Americans and Soviets have better BR2 planes that Germans…

The reason why you want to put Pz III N up to BR3 is not balance, but it’s obviously intention to make it less popular.

Classic mentality of just going to push the agenda of nerfing something I don’t want to play against. And not that I’m somehow interested in how balanced it is, you’d rather remove it from the game or make it completely unplayable.

The Pz III is clearly a BR2 tank. And it should stay that way. If you think it’s broken. You could give it nerfs like lowering the fire rate or lowering the turret rotation speed etc.


t50 can destroy infantry perfectly well. certainly it doesnt have fragmentation range of 75mm HE shell, but it has double MG and 45mm HE is perfectly usable if you know how to aim.

Just remove all the factions except one, and have mirror matches.

I swear the grass would still be greener


we would still have these kind of topics…

ha ha. Funny joke.


For the sake of your teammates
You should try to fight them
Instead of complaining here that he is slaughtering a bunch of passive people who refuse to hide or fight

to be honest

This is a (war) (team) PVP game
Players should learn and cooperate
Rather than complaining that certain gameplay violates their ideology or demanding modifications to something they refuse to fight

Officials should not help players who have poor skills and refuse to think
This will only make more players more negative
These passive players will then continue to hurt serious players
Unhelpful and harmful to the gaming environment

When the major groups willing to put effort and money and effort into the game leave
This game only has a passive and casual low-paying crowd
They only need to worry about their own happiness
So there is no need to pay more for the arms race
Maybe someone will buy some decorations or like the squad
But what is the payment ratio compared to the former?

Because my current computer sucks and my current wifi barely works for using the internet?
And now? Shame me for shitty connection and low-end computer. What a burn.
Which is why I was saying 1,8 weeks or so because then I get my main setup back which is not a laptop from 2015 and wifi from 1997.

Definitly not because enemy team was bad and full of newbies and your team was stacked but because Panzer III N has space magic.
You really need masterbrain to get it.

If Enlisted is going to insist on this delusion giving Tanks safe spaces, then they need to make the map bigger…MUCH BIGGER so that the gray zone is much further from the main battle field, as no one will give a shit if the Tank takes itself out of the battle.

If gray zones are going to continue, then Artillery should have FULL USE of THE ENTIRE MAP to target them! If your average GI Joe foot soldier is not going to be allowed to pursuit these safe space dwelling Tanks, then let Paratroopers have FULL USE of THE ENTIRE MAP! Why let tanks sit in relative calm out of harms way occasionally clicking their mouse and getting uncontested kills because they learned to gauge the system and find sweet spots on the map where they can just blast rally points or objectives with little chance of retaliation? If someone is using their APC as a Tank, shouldn’t they get gray zone protection as well?


yo mister potato computer
i’ll waiting from u badass +200kills m3Lee gameplay

without it all u sayin its just potato piels

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Joke of the Year Finalist

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