PLEASE NERF THE PANZER N FOR GODS SAKE and remove grey zone vehicles and at

Nah, its dummy to deny that your enemies were newbies and plebs.

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please do the same with lee or t28

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It’s hivel 45… It actually has about the same penetration as the 76mm that the t28e has iirc.

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and 0 penetration into the infantry.

If you share the actual replay and not just leaderboard results in 1,8 weeks sure.

I thought whining was an axis thing. That’s what ppl on the forulm taught me.
Yet here we are.


Every faction will whine at some point tbh it kinda inevitable

No, PZ III N or other kwk37 is the most effective.

3.3s reload :crazy_face:
686g tnt HE
115 pen HEAT that can pen BR3
70mm front magic armor
Excellent turret speed and vehicle acceleration

4.8 reload
666 g tnt HE
84 pen AP
limited angle
50mm front armor
Poor reverse speed

4.0 reload
590g tnt HE
100 pen AP
poor armor that can pen by AT rifle
Excellent turret speed and vehicle acceleration

3 mg
5.0 reload
621g tnt HE
67 pen poor AP
50mm front armor
bulky and slow, difficult to dodge bombs.

No no no, only wehraboos whine.
All other mains have only justified balance concerns.


How to tell us you have no idea what you are talking about… TWICE

You forgot the m8 scott and extra mgs/guns on lee, grant and t 28.

Seriously guys if you cant wreck equally in any of these vehicles.

You arent playing enough battlefield…*ahem i mean enlisted

Nonsense, just because I played a lot of enlisted I can tell you that PZIII N is the best, if I get 100 kills with M8, I can get 150 kills with PZIII N.
No matter your skill, the stat gap is there.

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I can also say you must play a little M8 scott to compair it with PZIII N.
It’s have same 3.3 reload, light tank speed,
but have a open top and exposed commander that can’t get back in, so most of the time you will go with 3 crew and no any MG.
Hand-cranked turrets and protection capabilities are even worse.

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It ain’t that good, and the armor is quite subpar unless angled. But you should be aiming for the turret cheeks anyways. The HEAT shell is…ok but the HE shell and cupola MG are very very nice. Just hit it in the face. The stubby howitzer makes it quite inaccurate at longer distances mind you

Iirc HEAT only applies to the SG version.
HEAT also has 80mm pen.

80, it doesn’t have the 115mm pen HEAT


Oh you play enlisted alot?

Im sorry i didnt realise…

I concede…move panzer 3n to BR 4, just to make sure

I wont have my comrades harmed

u can watch it any time lol
here is pn3 in action



but all this boring
i just I watched your game.


like a comedy show


I know exactly what I’m talking about. If you have a problem with the T50. You have a problem with the skill. If a tank can’t destroy infantry, it’s trash. I’ll install an anti-tank gun if I need to destroy a specific tank.
but I won’t take another tank to destroy a tank. It’s bad for the team.

good to know that kwk37 haven’t unleash its full power.