Please move either the Type 97 to BR 2 or Move the PTRS-41 to BR 1

Please have some consistency regarding the performance of AT weapons relative to their BRs.

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There isn’t much point to the PzB39 is there?

Probably should just folder it instead of wasting exp on it.

Honestly, yeah.

There’s no relevant difference between BR1 and BR2 in current queue, thus this proposed suggestion is completely meaningless. Since in fact, will not change a thing.

The only argument is consistency. But we have way more inconsistencies in current state of the game. And comparing weapons which will never be even facing each other, is kinda weird.
Not even US which is facing type 97 will never encounter a PTRS. So there’s no valid reason to compare them. Those weapons has a zero impact on each other.


I was informed to keep suggestion topics focused to increase the likelihood of them being forwarded.

I’d have otherwise dumped every inconsistency I could find all at once. I’m letting this stew for a bit unless or until it is buried by newer posts before I make more.

There’s no reason to change the br of these weapons.

Why not?

There’s no guarantee that we’ll continue to use the provisional BR 1-3 and 3-5 bracket.

If and when matchmaking improvements happen, that means that certain weapons will end up higher or lower than intended despite performance discrepancies.

It’s better to set the record straight than wait for it to become a problem.