Please let tanker 3 use the t-34-100 aswell

i have my br 2 loadout so nice and clean, its perfect, same with my br5, i really dont want to have to mess around with all my tankers if i want to use, or resort to using the worst tanks for br 2 instead

made a simliar post on the KV-1 Zis 5 being in tanker 2 squad aswell, same deal, really annoying the br4 tank is only able to be used in the tanker 2 squad



I think tanks in general should be freely selectable by every vehicle squad - to allow for interesting BR setups and combinations.

I would however add an exception: British armor squads can only bring british vehicles (which would be really cool if they add Cromwell, Comet and regular unlock firefly)

Same for Italy and some later war tank prototypes.


Lol why? If you want to use your British tank on British squad go for it. But don’t affect other’s that don’t have enough squad.

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Well of course, there should be the option to unlock enough squads to make for diverse and interesting setups.

Removing the ability to get legacy squads completely is still a mistake.

It would be quickly abused by vehicle cyclers

Like we already do?
How can it get “worse” to begin with?

I have 7 squad slots for the factions I play + the recent premium extra squad.

I have three Panzer III J and one Panzer 38t for my BR1 setup

I have two Panzer III N or one Puma, a Panzer III J1, one Panzer III M and the Stalingrad HEAT Panzer III for my BR2 setup

I have 1 Stug III G, 2 Panzer IV J and 1 Stalingrad Panzer IV G for my BR3 setup.

I have three Panthers or one Tiger for my BR4 setup

And I have two Tiger II, a Jagdpanther and can still bring Panthers that are still good enough for BR5.

What would change for me? Guess not all that much, but for regular and new players this could make BR setups much easier to create.


Also I find this view on it ridiculous, you need a dedicated tanker in your team that keeps playing as a tank, so that he knows the flow of the game even after respawning, i dare to say that this is pretty much a pay to win argument, a tanker that knows why he died and respawns without needing to wait is simply a much more effective part of your team.

Non premium players should be able to unlock squad slots because of that.

Also I proposed a reasonable way to unlock free squad slots in the past - completely finishing the techtree of a nation grants one squad slot - which would give reason for us to grind through all nations.

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Hasn’t this been the case since the Merge happened in December?

I had my BR2 lineup with T-28E but IS-2 was also only in this squad.

So whenever I switched between BR2/BR5 loadout I had to manually change the tank as well.

I believe Germany has the same issue with Pz IV F1 from BR2 being in the same squad with Pz IV F2 or G from BR3, and you need to change them manually every time.

Yes that it true, though because of my many german legacy squads from multiple campaigns its much easier for me to do this.

I basically have 3 infantry squads and 3 vehicle squads for each BR always at the ready, all sorted and organized so I can play what ever BR I want to by simply switching out my squads.

  • still, some vehicles need to be moved, because both my Tiger II share squads with Panthers, or my Panzer IV J shares squads with my BR2 vehicles or some other examples.

Not that big of a deal to be honest though.

People can alreaey cycle Tiger II and IS2 (or T-34s and Panthers/ Tiger Is) with Germany if they own legacy squads and also certaik premiums.

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