Hello, please improve the roof hatch of the T-34/76 1940 and 1941. Both of these early T-34\ had large hatches, which meant that if opened, the gunner and commander could be seen at the same time. We should be able to see the gunner next to us when using the commander’s probe. However, the enemy can also get closer, and if the enemy commander happens to be probing in the absence of anti-tank weapons, you can use melee weapons to attack the gunner and then kill the commander to kill both people. Because the T-34 is a huge hatch, the gunner can also use the probe. The gunner’s probe was operated at the cost of not being able to use the main gun and machine gun. Due to the huge hatch cover of the T-34, it was also possible to throw grenades or other projectiles into it to achieve a wreckage effect. This made the T-34 commander’s probe even more dangerous, and we should have issued a T-34/76 1942 to the Soviet Union as compensation.