Please give historical names for Japanese weapons

This suggestion is relates with this suggestion a bit:

Recently, we have a lot of Japanese weapons, but some of them have strange names.
I understand it is difficult to translate them to make easy to understand most of peoples, but not only English client but also in Japanese language client they have strange names.
At least, in original language they can add historical name easily, so I suggest to fix them.

As well known, localization quality of Enlisted in Japanese language is quite low, but proper nouns are more prominent, so correction should be more important than others.

試製一式機関短銃(1930) → 試製一型機関短銃(1930)

It is 一型(Model 1, means first model), not 一式 (Type 1, means adopted in 1941)
At least they could translate predecessor of it for Giretsu Paratroopers’ one correctly. Why they couldn’t do it?

対戦車衝撃地雷 Ni05 → 刺突爆雷

I don’t know what book devs read, but at least Japanese army called it “刺突爆雷” (lit. Lunge Mine). It did not had number like Ni05.
I made bug report for it few months ago but not fixed yet.

S1-100 → ス式自動拳銃

Japanese call it “ス式自動拳銃 / Type Su machine pistol”. ス/Su is initial of ステアー/Steyr, a manufacture of this gun.

MP 28 (7.65 mm) → ベ式自動拳銃

Japanese call it “ベ式自動拳銃/Type Be machine pistol”. ベ/Be is initial of ベルグマン/Bergmann, a designer of this gun.
In the first place, this is SIG-Bergmann M1920, not MP28.

SIG M1920 → ベ式自動拳銃(銃剣付き)

Japanese call it “ベ式自動拳銃/Type Be machine pistol”. ベ/Be is initial of ベルグマン/Bergmann, a designer of this gun.
Its 100% same as “MP 28 (7.65mm)”, and difference is only bayonet attached by Japanese navy. Therefore, I attached “(銃剣付き) / (with Bayonet)” but I hope translator find better way.

四式ロケットランチャー → 試製四式七糎噴進砲

ロケットランチャー is sound transcription of “rocket launcher” in English. In Japanese army, such things were called “噴進砲”.
Japanese Army called it “試製四式七糎噴進砲/Experimental Type 4 7cm rocket launcher”.

九九式小銃(後期型) → 九九式短小銃 (後期型)

A weapon labeled “Type 99 Rifle” is “Type 99 Short Rifle”, a carbine version of it.

I made bug report for it few months ago but not fixed yet.

九九式狙撃銃 → 九九式短狙撃銃

A weapon labeled “Type 99 Sniper Rifle” is “Type 99 Short Sniper Rifle”, a carbine version of it.

I made bug report for it few months ago but not fixed yet.

3D model of scope clearly says its Type 99 Short (九九式短).

九六式艦戦 羽切搭乗機 → 九六式四号艦上戦闘機

Japanese name says its Hagiri’s A5M4 (WT-wiki) but its wrong. Its just normal A5M4.
Also, they used shortened name, but other aircrafts have formal name so it sounds strange.

I made bug report for it few months ago but not fixed yet.

九七式七粍七固定機銃 → 九七式車載重機関銃

Type 97 vehicle-mounted heavy machine gun on vehicles are translated to Type 97 7.7mm fixed machine gun of the naval aircrafts.

Some translators often omit words on original weapons and translate it just “Type 97 7.7mm machine gun” so such issue occurs.

I made bug report for it few months ago but not fixed yet.


Glad to see you back @aizenns :smiley:

Now if any, wanted to see some awesome campaigns, that we could of had in this game, check out this guys posts, dead set, Enlisted should have hired this guy.

There probably more, just this is a example, of what we missed out on, check it out, the detail, of each presented campaign is superb.


Thanks for suggestion, forwared)


good idea, along with those name changes they could give pacific axis’ weapons a much better description, so it doesnt feel like it has been lazily made, or rushed.
only 1 pistol has something unique in its description, and its the overbuilt explosion pack one.
instead of this type of description, they could instead write for who the pistols were intended, how reliable they are, or if its even preferred by the army
this thing could be re-written as ‘‘steyr-solothurn submachine gun, japanese contract weapon that was imported to japan and used by japanese army’’
need i say more? this description is also awful, it could be re-written as ''the iconic japanese submachine gun, this is the early version that has low RPM but hits hard.
this description is ok-ish but i would still re-name it to ‘‘submachine gun designed by Theodore Bergmann, imported under japanese contract, fires 7.65 luger ammo from a 50 round magazine, though its quite cumbersome with its weight.’’
id change this one to ‘‘2nd development of the type 1 smg, designed in response to criticisms of the Type 1’s awkward ergonomics.’’


Yeah, that’s idea are good for the game. I have interested about how they describe about civilian pistol named Type 1 pistol alike adopted weapon.

By the way, S1-100 and SIG M1920 were used by navy, not army. Warships’ NLF (mainly 3rd fleet), SNLFs, and several garrisons of the navy equipped it.
Also, they used 7.63x25mm Mauser, not a 7.65x21mm Luger. In-game guns are using wrong cartridges.

Type 2a SMG would be warfare production of Type 2 SMG. (Experimental Model 2 Machine Pistol, Improved Vehicle-Mounted Type / 試製二型機関短銃改良車載型)
Type 2 SMG (Experimental Model 2 SMG) was not adopted, but it was shorter than Type 100 SMG so modified version was mass-produced at the late of war.

no wonder i couldnt find anything about those guns using 7.65 ammo

eh, i think that we should left out the ‘‘not adopted’’ part as it wouldnt sit well with the entire army using the smg whilst its not adopted

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I don’t know about other countries’ weapon, but in Japan 制式化/Adoption and allowed to use are different.
At least, officially it’s called “Experimental”, not adopted formally. But if most of players make confused, that section should be removed.

long-winded commentary

For example, Experimental single-barrel swivel machine gun Model 2 (試製単銃身旋回機関銃二型) aka Te-4 was not adopted and keep called “Experimental”, but it was mass-produced and equipped on lots of army aircraft.
Look at post-war, JMSDF’s standard HWT was called Experimental Type 54 Torpedo (試製54式魚雷) because it was not adopted, but mass-produced for service.

This case is increased in 1944-45 because they didn’t had time for cumbersome screening and paperwork. Famous example would be Ki-102 (attacker/interceptor, hundreds were build), Experimental Type 4 7cm rocket launcher (75mm anti-tank rocket launcher, 3500 were build)