Sorry I cannot post pictures as I am AFK right now but we need to add the zeltbahn (camo hood) with sturmgewehr pouch uniform to be added to the Bulge and Stalingrad campaign. Those campaigns are available in BR V and it’s a shame if you use sniper Sturmgewehr and be forced to use uniforms with Kar98k/Gewehr 43 pouches in both of those campaign.
They should rather completely overhaul the system of mag pouches in customization.
AFK on the forum?
tbh every soldier should just wear belt and suspenders. ammo/nade pouches, spades, and canteens should be dependent on current equipped item while zeltbahns, soviet ponchos, us gas mask bag and other purely cosmetics item should be purchasable separately.
this also goes with base uniform being swappable with campaign appropriate uniforms
can’t access the game cuz im afk irl. posting from mobile rn
U can download images and upload them via the box box with a arrow in the bottom left
scrolled for a while but can’t find actual picture of it. people would understand because there’s only one zeltbahn + stg pouch configuration anyway in the whole german uniform selection
I’d rather have no visible pouches than mismatched ones.
for freshly rolled soldier sure give em clothes, hat, boots, belt, and suspender out of the mill. but I’d like to see that my equipped items are represented as actual trinkets that can be seen by the whole players.
maybe, just maybe we can buy ranks and SSIs too