PLEASE fix this issue as well

I noted that you have fixed the facial bug as reported by @MissingMayhem13. Great job. But why don’t you fix this bug which I had reported a while back? This issue is still open in the Gaijin support website in the section for Enlisted. No community manager or developer has replied to this post. While two other people have said that they are facing the same issue. This is a major bug since you completely deleted an asset present in the game. This makes me apprehensive about purchasing any of the customization thinking what will happen to them in the future.
Link to my post: Community Bug Reporting System
I would request others who are facing the same issue to go to the support website and help drive some engagement on this report.


OK I figured it out. Check your CBR report, please.


@QA_Flamenco I think there is a slight misconception. The version of the pea dot camo which I purchased for Normandy was there alongside a different version of the pea dot camo which was present in Berlin. I had purchased it with actual customization orders. After the merge happened I could use the first camo for Normandy and the second one for Berlin without any issues. These two camos were present as two separate options in the mods editor as well. But then an update happened and you guys deleted one of the assets in favour of the other and vice versa. Ever since then this bug has remained. The different version of the pea dot camo which was present in Normandy is not even present in the mods editor as of now.


( for @QA_Flamenco too )

we are reffering to the plane tree camouflage:

which it used to look like:

and you were able to buy it from tunisia as well as normandy pre merge.

but since a couple of update ( and to be fair… from a long time )

for some reason, it keeps switching to a:

as a result, we have duplicates.

and it mislead people thinking that they got a pea dot, when in reality it’s a plane tree tunic.
and people who bought the plane tree tunic, they have from many updates a pea dot camo instead.

the actual problem, is with the texture path references.

right now it’s:


on both.

when in reality, it should be ( FOR THE PLANE TREE )


like this:


Ok, looks like you’re both right. cc @ErikaKalkbrenner
Thank you for helping me figure this out (customization is not my field of activity).
I’ve asked the responsible devs to take a look.


it’s fine :+1:

but thank you :saluting_face:


just a question, do we know who is responsable for the cosmetic? or… can we reach him?

because i have quite a list that may help him regarding various issues with cosmetics and new official additions that were either forgot, or left over. ( no, not from the game cosmetic shop even though that would be a thread on it’s own. but actual item that have skins in the files, but weren’t added as a piece. like the light gray tanker officer cap etc )

( please don’t tell me it’s PalanTir )

for example;

attachable_wear_overcoat_08_ussr_winter_item are broken

missing patches on previous cosmetics etc

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I can forward your suggestions to them.

Why? :smiley:


Because customization is probably the most chaotic, inconsistent, and overall most unpolished aspect of the game.

There are more problems with customization than with anything else. And everyone who cares about it is largely dissatisfied.


ugh… sure

i can compile them into code and pictures to make it more compelling and easier to understand :slight_smile: perhaps dms?

it’s just… that i don’t like middle management.

as, it would waste your time when you prolly are busy on your own with other stuff.

don’t get me wrong, i do apreciate and commend your comittment, but i wouldn’t want to waste your time with stuff that you said you don’t deal with.

( i hope it doesn’t come off as rude, i truly mean no harm )

and i kinda had to ask weather some qualify as errors or not, and if this person had about the whole customization or just items.

but if you insist, i won’t turn down your help, as… i had no lead before your offering.


he or she keeps closing cosmetics threads and labeling as " fixed " when they weren’t.

happened for example, with this plane tree case in particular and other cosmetics.

not… the first time. from what i have seen.


Thanks @QA_Flamenco . Appreciate it.

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Thanks @ErikaKalkbrenner for the detailed presentation.

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Dude thank you! See I didn’t know that that was intentional or unintentional. I made a post about that smock/camo item and it got ignored so I assumed it was apart of the change and not an accident. So I let it be. Thank goodness you didn’t sleep on it! Much appreciated my friend! I second this notion. I too had purchased the item for Normandy and lost it. I would love to have it back!

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Thank you Erika! You are awesome! You both have helped me a lot. I realized I lost the Plane Tree camo top, and noticed I still had the trousers. I assumed they removed it all together but they clearly had an error/bug. Your breakdown has saved me so much trouble and has given me some deeper understanding to the issue I have had as well as you two in this chat.



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While we’re on the topic of customization, could the devs restore the usage of the same uniform across multiple campaigns. For example the subject of this discussion (orange German uniform) is available in both Normandy and Berlin, the player should not have to purchase two sets to equip for both campaigns.

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Unfortunately, they will not, that is not a DEV problem, it is a Gaijin issue. Gaijin wants the game to be ran like that. Unfortunately it is what it is tbh. I’m glad we are allowed to use the same face for multiple campaigns.

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yeah luckily wasting time on the editor turns out has it’s uses :joy:

i mean, without it, prolly would have remained that way since there isn’t a way to distinguish items in the game other than memory.

and we almost got dismissed by it.