It’s been 3 years now and it still hasn’t been fixed.
Fg-42 II scope
It’s been 3 years now and it still hasn’t been fixed.
Fg-42 II scope
whats wrong with it in the game?
In the game they use this. and in real life It can be attached to the Stg 44 and Gewehr 41/43, but not the Fg 42.
It’s not the scope itself that’s wrong, it’s the mount. When I search for it I keep seeing antique sites claiming it’s compatible with the FG but I haven’t actually seen any pictures, this may have been why DF put it on the FG. It doesn’t make sense since the mount is blocking the ejection port.
They can’t fix insane dispersion of FG42 II sniper and do you think they really care about how it looks irl?
Those are two different teams, do you expect the balancing team to do 3D modeling?
It just shows that every single part of the DF is completely disorganized and don’t care about authenticity and doesn’t even play their own game. What do you think modeling or animation guy wouldn’t be able to point that it behaves weird in the game? Or coder that it doesn’t look as FG42 II IRL? They don’t care they are only there to get the paycheck.
Your complaint seems to lie with the technical leads and management then.