Please don't add the golden weapons from the chinese client

itā€™s alright.

stop freaking out.
it wonā€™t be a gold order weapon.

it was used on the chinese client to be given to the players for the new calendar chinese year.

we had this discussion a while ago:

edit. i suppose a reminder for devs just to be clear about our position, is not a bad idea either after all.

So whatā€™s the reason for putting it on our client?


for modders.

99% of the playerbase donā€™t even know nfts weapons are an actual thing present inside the editor as well which can be used in the base gamethrough mods too.

nor unused assets of crsed inside the editor to be used by modders.

not the first time, and most likely, not the last.

They didnā€™t?

Donā€™t we have a decorated colt that we got from event or twitch?

Iā€™m sure I have one somewhereā€¦ or was it a webley? I tend to lose mines in squads I stop using :zipper_mouth_face:

Why would modders need retextured weapon? Canā€™t they do that by themselves?

Kinda weird reason.


no adam.

we cannot retexture weapons.

all we can do, is apply textures that already exist in the game. for example, take the grass texture and apply it to a gun. which it will looks ugly and stretched.

edit. technically, there are some work arounds to use custom textures outside the ones used by the game, but are not actually practical and it needs to be phisical on the hud as a capzone icon. which no one does because it looks ugly. not to mention, those are not in dds. extension.

so the lightnings looks odd.

here is an example of what i mean:

they donā€™t look anything alike.

it kinda isnā€™t.

as it allow us to offer more content ( the only reason i could think on two feets about gold weapons, ) are for gun games.

something different and not historical anyway.

again, not the first time, and most likely not the last either.

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Thatā€™s pretty lame/sad ngl.


Why do the Chinese like golden skins?

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now that is beautiful

i said this before: because it relate to wealth and luck or something like that

But their preoccupation with gold is a bit odd.


yea idk what that is but there is a tradition in my country where we put gold bit (idk what to call) on Buddhist statue specifically on the back of the statue

It depends what direction they would go. Gold? no. Nickel plated, why not. A m1 garand or k98 in birch. Why not. Mosin Nagant in dark oak? Also fine. Wrapped in cloth for additional camo, fine. Iā€™d even be fine by simply blacking out the steel. But gold, pink, or any other colours? No.

S&W M1917 Engraved. This is the closest we get.

Thereā€™s also the engraved Webley

I believe these are the only Twitch drop/event revolvers we currently have.

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Well to me this horrible BS is already in the game and allowed:

I really want a huge mickey mouse face to put in front of my Shermans, now.



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