Please consider appropriately increasing the maximum number of players for the custom room (to 15vs15 and 50vs50)


Today I played a Lone fighter mode custom room with a limit of 200 players. Most of the time, the game was very smooth. The large map and large number of players really made the game very interesting.

Perhaps when the number of people increases, the server will have performance problems. More than 200 people may be a little reluctant.

But even so, I think it’s entirely possible to increase the number of players appropriately based on the current player limit.

Therefore, I suggest here to change the maximum number of people in the custom room to 15vs15 in the squard mode and 50vs50 in the lonefighter mode.


What? How do i get access to that game mode? I want to try it as well :slight_smile:

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Custom matches. One of these servers may be still active currently time.

just go to the custom game list, sort by the players, this map is really popular now

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Agree with people count.
But bot count can be bigger.
25v25? And 100v100? IDK. Need do some tests.


If I were one of the devs, I’d really consider this. Even if xp is disabled, it wouldn’t matters; such a game mode with many ppl would be very attractive to the player base, and could even attract new faces. It’s like classic tried and true modes from old call of duty (1 & 2, originals) or even good old Red Orchestra.

I wish they’d make such mode more “official”.


Yes, i agree

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I played on that server too, it was quite interesting, but one thing I still can’t understand is why people create custom battles with Soviets in Normandy or Americans in Stalingrad… Why do people come to WW2 games if they couldn’t care less about the WW2 feel?


I enabled in mine rooms all campagins because with it easier find more peoples.
When I tries only Normandy… Nobody joined after 30 mins. Or joined max 3-5 peoples.
Mine map is Assault in Normandy beach with three bunkers…

Talking about this map that in this post (it isn’t mine)…
It can use all campaigns… because it have many custom things like houses with green light, weird light pillars and weird battle area (gray zones).
I don’t saying that this map is bad. It’s good. Just not WW2 historical style. And just for classic shooter play.

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Well, I only join lobbies with 1 campaign factions and maps from that campaign only haha.
Wish we had an option to choose maps from different campaigns but only vanilla factions.

Yeah I tried it, visibility was weird and the green houses were strange.
However, the reason I quit was because of the balance - the defenders would always quickly cap the next point as the attackers had to cover a lot of ground to even reach the objective.

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@tommyZZM is that you (chaosheld) who launches this server?

not me…

You may be able to find useful information from this thread

Thanks but I just want people to choose historical factions for the battles :cry: instead of mix-mash-salad