Please add these two weapons for the Japanese army

Japanese Type 98 Bomber Defense Machine Gun

Tokyo Arsenal Model 1927


Please add the weapon names to the title of the topic so it can be found later with more ease.

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I can see the Type 98 as an aircraft weapon, maybe an updated HMG for the MG squads engineer, or as stationary weapon if they added more Japanese “home” islands (like Okinawa), as many Japanese defenders took cannons and MGs off of crashed planes.
I cannot really see the model 1927 in game though, as the gun was proposed, made, and rejected, about 10 years before the Japanese invasion of China, and the second trial of the gun took place in 1937, though was rejected again, and WAY before WW2 even began.
Good ideas though!

The M1927 would great for a Gold Order or Event weapon. We all know this game doesn’t shy away from prototypes and experiments. It’s what makes it a great sandbox


Type 38 Carbine with Type 96 Magazine


After merging the campaigns, the developers can add the Kar98 and Vz 24 to the Japanese arsenal. We also still lack the Type 99 machine gun.

The Japanese Army Needs a Fully Automatic Rifle to Fight the U.S. Army…

Don’t worry, the M2 carbine will be removed from the US when the merge happens.
(Why they added it is beyond me)

I understand, but it just seems like a little more of a stretch than some of the other weapons, like the Conders MG which was made, tested, and rejected during WW2.

It is unnecessary. Japanese soldiers fight with their souls, not bullets.


Actually adding the senninbari or hachimaki as a gear option for the Japanese could be cool. They would increase the soldiers who were equipped them, their stamina by 3 times.


Actually after thinking about this, the smg wouldn’t be that bad. After japan has to fight real players after the merge they would suffer, though their smgs seem to be better than the American ones. The thing I’m worried about is if they started to add weapons that there were only one copy made in the interwar period then it would just become a hodgepodge of odd weapons like a Battlefield game instead of a WW2 shooter.

Maybe automatic type Hei?


Japan is going to be the designated seal clubber faction because everything jumbo and bigger is going to be hard locked out of matching against Japan


If the devs really wanted to stretch out its lifespan they could even introduce the 20 and 30 round varieties.

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If there was a Japanese flag carrier that would buff nearby infantry with a damage resistance and sprint speed while under fire and banzai charging the enemy, i’d be all for it.

As it should be, Japan can’t fight those things the way other factions can.